Category Archives: Uncategorized

Spring Flower Bulb Fundraiser


Do you love flowers?  Rikki’s Refuge has partnered with Dutch Mill Bulbs and Flower Power Fundraising to bring you a beautiful selection of flowers, herbs, and strawberries to chose from!

Just click on the following links to make your purchases, and Rikki’s Refuge will receive a generous donation!  The bulbs will be shipped directly to your home!…/…/shop/rikkisrefuge…

flowers 1

flowers strawberries


flowers bundles

Black Friday Food Buster Bowl – November 29

BLACK FRIDAY FOOD BOWL BUSTER – 20% Off All Donations!!!
Black Friday Food Bowl Buster 2019
20% Off Your Donation to Rikki’s From NOW thru Midnight 11/29 Black Friday, we’ve got the best shopping idea ever. ALL donations — no caps my friends — ALL donations — are topped with 20% …. YOU donate $80 and our Black Friday Donor drops in $20 …. The animals get FED $100 of food !!!! Is this cool or what?? Spread the word …. Feed ’em all !!!
AND OH MY GOSH !!!!! Rikki’s 20% off Donations Shopping Spree just got BETTER !!!! How many folks on your Christmas list? Tired of shopping, spending money on gas, fighting over parking spots, getting mugged in malls? Well …. Look what we’ve got for YOU today, donations of $25 or more will get a Christmas (or Holiday) card from Rikki’s Refuge, tell us who it’s for, anything special you’d like us to say from you, their name and mailing address … we’ll take care of the rest …. AND it still qualifies for the 20% Off Your Donation   Is this cool or what?? Spread the word …. Feed ’em all !!! AND get your Christmas Shopping ALL DONE TODAY with no trouble, no hassle !!! Can you possibly think of a better gift to give someone than saving a life in their honor?


School field trips, church groups, homeschoolers, scouts, adult homes, and more……come visit us at Rikki’s Refuge Animal Sanctuary to meet our animals up close and personal, learn about their care, hear their stories, learn compassion for all animals and learn how you can help make a difference in this world.
Schedule your group today or email for more information!!
Kamp Kindness Logo revised final

Compassionate ThanksLiving Tour and Potluck – November 23

Mark Your Calendars!

Compassionate ThanksLiving Tour with the Animals & Potluck Celebration

We celebrate the lives of our beautiful resident turkeys – we dine WITH our friends, not on our friends. Please join us!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

11:00am ~ Tour & Visit with the Animals

Immediately Following ~ Gather, Appetizers, & Main Animal Friendly Feast

$20 Donation and Vegan or Vegetarian Potluck Dish

You MUST have a reservation!!


thanks 2019

Kiwi the Cat from Qatar

Kiwi is a very sociable kitty and is very independent and playful. However…

Kiwi the Cat from Qatar!!

Kiwi the Cat from Qatar!!

…she prefers to do her own thing and does not like human intervention OR to be inside at all. She is the protector of her brother Mango who is scared of most things, except when he is next to Kiwi. Kiwi and her brother were both rescued from a busy parking lot in the country of Qatar as young kittens and were constantly abused by the parking attendants and car owners. Thankfully a kind human was able to scoop them up and bring them to safety where they eventually found their way to Rikki’s Refuge Animal Sanctuary. These siblings will always have a home at Rikki’s where they will be safe and loved.

Meet Two Unlikely Best Friends – Lucky & Eddie

Lucky and his best friend, Eddie!

Lucky and his best friend, Eddie!

In the last year, two great boys joined us at Rikki’s.  Lucky, a one-year old Black Angus steer and Eddie, an almost 23-year old mini horse, came in and almost instantly have become the best of friends.  You will never see one without the other.  Eddie came from a very loving family but all of his pasture mates had passed away and he was a lonely guy.  He was a bit shy when he first arrived at Rikki’s, but with time and patience, he has blossomed and loves tour groups and treats!!  Lucky was also loved by two young girls, but he was raised to be shown for 4-H when he turned one and you may be able to guess what often happens to the cattle after they are shown.  It’s usually not a good outcome. The girls and their mom and grandmother wanted a different outcome for Lucky, so the grandmother purchased Lucky and he was able to come to live out his life peacefully at Rikki’s Refuge. Lucky is like a big dog and wags his tail happily when greeting visitors!  Next time you are at Rikki’s, please be sure to stop by and visit this awesome duo! 

Email us at for more information about upcoming tours.

#unikelyanimalfriends #bestfriends #unlikelyanimalduos