Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sweet Penelope

penelope dogGoofy Penelope!  She is just an adorable, if very active, fractious, and unpredictable mix of a dog!  Too crazy for one family, not suited for the next, tore up stuff in the house and did uh-ohs on the floor in the next.

In her short time with us, she’s already learning social skills, though she may never be a typical doggy!  She fits in just fine with all us misfits at Rikki’s Refuge !!!! We love everybody no matter what their imperfection is !!!



Doggy Downs Renovations – Cindy’s $19 Birthday Fundraiser!

cindy doggy downs fundraiserCindy has served on the board of directors at Rikki’s Refuge since 2007 as the Director of Dogs. Dogs are her passion and she works hard to save dogs from every walk of life, every day. She has retired and moved close to Rikki’s Refuge in order to be able to serve the dogs every day, and not just weekends and holidays.
Her admirable dedication to her cause means the world to all of us here at Rikki’s Refuge. And Doggy Downs means the world to Cindy.
parker dog
For her birthday this year, on January 19, 2019, I’d like to ask for your help in raising the funds for the much needed improvements and renovations to Doggy Downs. The rough structures, built by dedicated volunteers with donated materials 20 years ago, have reached the end of their useful life. The dogs desperately need your help.
Cindy has taken on the refurbishing of Doggy Downs as her project for 2019. It’s a big job, and she’s willing to see it to completion.
cindy mowing
Won’t you please help Cindy see her dream come true with a BIRTHDAY DONATION of $19 to help buy the materials necessary for this project.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead
With one simple donation, YOU can make a difference in a dogs life forever! Help Cindy change the world for rescued dogs!
Rikki’s Refuge, PO Box 1357, Orange VA 22960
Why not consider volunteering your carpentry, building, painting, landscaping skills and your time to help?
Thank you from Cindy, the residents of Doggy Downs, and all dogs whose life you will change with your help.


DOUBLE YOUR DONATION end of year 2018 - crystal cat (1)

GREAT NEWS! Our wonderful year end donor is EXTENDING OUR MATCH CHALLENGE thru January 4! Due to some computer issues (that have now been fixed!!), we weren’t able to get the word out to as many folks as we needed to reach and didn’t meet the match by December 31! We are so GRATEFUL for EVERY single one of you that has donated so far and for EVERY single penny donated, but our kind donor wants us to have a fair chance to get every dollar of the match offer so we have FOUR extra days!! Spread the word, donate if you can, and SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!!
DOUBLE YOUR DONATION end of year 2018 - patrick pig
The animals of Rikki’s Refuge are counting on you! It’s our End of the Year $50,000 Donation Match Challenge!
DOUBLE YOUR DONATION end of year 2018 - penelope dog
Double your impact for the animals! We have an amazingly generous donor who has offered to match all donations up to $50,000!
Will you help us make it through the cold winter months, ensuring that every animal gets fed??
$20 becomes $40, $50 becomes $100, $250 becomes $500
Will you share with everyone you know! We need your help!!
Mail a check or money order: PO Box 1357, Orange VA. 22960

It’s a Delicious Nom Nom Fundraiser !

It’s time for another delicious Nom Nom fundraiser to benefit the animals of Rikki’s Refuge Animal Sanctuary!!  It’s easy to order and Rikki’s Refuge earns 30% of each sale. All you have to do is visit our website (link is below), select which gourmet items you’d like to purchase, and your items will ship to you directly within 7-10 days. That’s right… no waiting for the fundraiser to end and your items to be delivered… you get them within 10 days of placing your order.

You can choose from gourmet popcorns, flavored nuts, jerky and smokies, coffee, peppers and pickles, and even olive oils and sauces. Tons of vegetarian and vegan options available!!  And every purchase benefits the animals! How great and easy is this!?!?

We hope you’ll join us for this amazing fundraiser, active from November 18 through December 9. nom november 2018

Thanksgiving Feast for all the residents of Rikki’s Refuge!

Thanksgiving Feast 2018 Animals (1)

Lars and Phil need your help. Thanksgiving is almost here. While the Rikki’s humans will feast on animal-friendly nums, Lars and Phil want to make sure every one of our 1,298 animal residents have a yummy Thanksgiving meal and are so they are in search of funds. For $1 a meal to feed a cat, a dog, a horse, a cow, a turkey and everything in between, can you help these two raise the funds in time for a Thanksgiving feast?? Help! Bonus Special to Help The Animals at Rikki’s Refuge

igive $3 bonus novemberPlease help our mission and the animals of Rikki’s Refuge! If you join iGive today, they will gift Rikki’s Refuge $3 for each of you who:
1) sign up between 11/1/18 and 11/30/18
2) Select Rikki’s Refuge as your charity of choice
3) and keep the iGive button for 3 months
If you are already a member, share this and encourage your friends to also help Rikki’s Refuge by joining for free! !
You online shopping can benefit Rikki’s Refuge! You shop online. Rikki’s Refuge gets a small donation. Just another easy and free way that you can help the animals! If you are going to shop online anyway, why not help Rikki’s Refuge at the same time?!?!? #igiveugive


Halloween Donation Match ~ ~ ~ Double Double Toil and Trouble

Double, Double, Toil and Trouble?double halloween1
No trouble and Thanks to a wonderful donor, we have a fun treat/offer to DOUBLE ALL DONATIONS (up to $2,500) NOW thru Halloween evening at 11:59pm. Every donation makes a difference!! Please donate if you can and SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!!!

Heidi – Girl Power in the Big Field

This lovely lady is Heidi!

Beautiful Heidi

Beautiful Heidi

Heidi came to live at Rikki’s Refuge in 2016. She and her adoptive brothers –  all steers – came to us from a lovely couple in Virginia who could no longer care for them as their farm was being sold.  Prior to that, Heidi was part of a New York petting zoo dispersal  rescue and she was saved from going right to the slaughterhouse.Heidi cow field grass
heidi cow cute
In the large field at Rikki’s Refuge, Heidi is the only girl – and seems to know it and is large and in charge!! GIRL POWER!!
She is funny, silly, sometimes rambunctious girl!  We couldn’t imagine life at Rikki’s Refuge without this Heidi of ours!!
Heidi tries her hand at a selfie!!

Heidi tries her hand at a selfie!!

Heidi loves to watch the daily goose parade!!

Heidi loves to watch the daily goose parade!!

Thanks to your constant support of our mission, we are able to say YES to saving animals like Heidi!!   THANK YOU!!