Let our resident love expert, Opie the spokes-cat, send your honey, your mother, your kids…anyone you love….a Valentine love letter, a love email, or maybe just a photo note telling them that a donation of love has been made to the animals in their honor for Valentine’s Day. For a donation of $20, Opie can do this for you. When sending payment, make a note and include your email and we will contact you for your specifics. www.rikkisrefuge.org/donate
Opie = LOVE!
Category Archives: Uncategorized
National Pet Dental Health Month
John Kitty
This is a newly rescued cat at RIKKI’S REFUGE named JOHN. He is badly injured and was relinquished by his owners to a rural pound. He has a badly fractured leg. The vet. facilities at that pound didn’t really have the resources to care for John, and he has been turned over to Rikki’s Refuge, and the regular veterinarian for Rikki’s will be handling John’s care. John is at the refuge tonight, being kept comfortable until he can go in tomorrow to begin his extensive treatment and recovery. He would have more than likely been euthanized today. Rikki’s Refuge is going to try to get him a second chance at life. and if you would like to help give John Kitty this chance, please donate. If you are unable to donate, please share for him, that will help him a lot too! His care is estimated at $1200. THANK YOU!
SUPPORT: www.rikkisrefuge.org/feedme
PAYPAL: mail@rikkisrefuge.org
MAIL: Rikki’s Refuge, PO Box 1357, Orange, VA. 22960
2/6/15 – John is at Culpeper Animal Hospital this morning. Praying Dr. Andrea Kellum can think of an ingenious way to save that leg. The break is bad, very bad and it’s open and infected. John may lose his leg. It’s harder for kitties to lose a front leg, because it makes grooming more difficult. Even a gimpy leg is better than none. But we have to do what’s needed to heal poor John. Prayers he comes thru well today. He’s a super sweet little kitty.
2/7/15 – John Kitty’s leg was amputated. They think they got the infection, but the next few days are critical in keeping his temperature down to confirm they got all the infection and make sure there is no sepsis.
2/7/15 – John Kitty having breakfast with his cone off. He slept well last night and is alert and enjoying pats this morning ….. not purring yet. About to give him his meds now that will probably make him drowsy and get more sleep.
2/8/15 – So John Kitty is looking good this morning ….. he’s standing up and greeting her who controls food with head butts and purrs … I’d say that’s a pretty good sign. He’s got his cone off now and is having breakfast. Praying that temp will be down — I haven’t checked it yet, letting him eat and rest without the cone for a bit. Soon as I give him his pain meds the gets drowsy and drops off. It’s oral and I’ve never seen anybody else pass out so quickly. Maybe it’s coincidence, as I let him be up and cone-less while he’s perky and when he seems to start getting quiet I give him his meds and he’s out like a light for hours. Please pray that temp goes down. It’s been close to 105 from the infection that was in his arm and bone. He’s on three strong antibiotics …. If temp isn’t down by tomorrow, they’ll have to try something else. Doc who did the surgery said she didn’t know how he could still be alive and especially so perky, with such a serious infection in the bones. Infection should be gone now. With fever still up the concern is sepsis. Come on, infection … please go away.
2/8/15 – My temp is down to 104 ….she who is stickin me wif needles and puttin icky gunk in my mouth and puttin cone of shame on me saya she gonna keep puttin that temperature stick in places it don’t belong till it says 101 ….. please please pray it does soon. Love, John Kitty
2/9/15 – Good Morning !!!! Thank you for your prayers. I made that lady with the temp stick chase me round to get my number this morning !!! My temp is down to 103.2 ….. so I’m fighting the infection !!! Yeahhh …. and I’m hungry and I wanna run and hop …. Socrates, Timmy and Opie are teaching me how to get around. I even jumped up on the bed. The lady with the temp stick and icky tasting meds says I can’t play around too much …. and I bet she’s gonna put that cone on me too …… I hate that cone ….. Keep praying for my temp to get all the way normal …. two more degrees down …. get all the infection gone, and for me to finish healing up and my fur to grow back …. it’s cold when your shoulder is naked !! Love, John Kitty
2/10/15 – Morning ….. I’m feeling GREAT today …. My temp is 100.4 …. so that lady can stop chasing me with that temp stick now !!!! That’s a normal temp by the way. I gave her quite the fight to get it this morning too. You hoomans need to come up with a better idea on how to go about doing this, let me tell you !!! I’m sick and tired of confinement … I’ve been locked up since Thursday … I’m done …. I want out to play … I’m racing around and jumping up on the bed and thinking of climbing anything I can get my paws on …. I’ve got energy to burn …… if them pain meds is keeping me drowsy … Just you wait to see what a live wire I am when I’m off that !!!! If she comes after me with that cone again … we’ll just see who’s gonna end up wearing it !!!! Love, John Kitty
PS thank you to those of you who’ve been helping me pay my bills for survival …. YOU can help too is you like, www.RikkisRefuge.org/Donate … without YOU they would have killed me at that pound … and I wouldn’t a liked that one little bit …. Thank you !!!! I be YOUR friend forever !!!!
2/11/15 – Day 6 in captivity …. will no one come to my rescue? I can not stand this confinement. The alien came with the probe again today ….. 100.2 … normal she says ….. so open the door I say ….. let me go …… I think they are holding me hostage till I pay my bill …….. you can help me pleaz? https://www.rikkisrefuge.org/donate …… thank you, love, John Kitty.
2/13/15 – Day 8 and I continue to sit by the phone …. I’ve tried and tried to call home … I remain captive …. the alien with the probe visits …. forces pills down my throat …. I saw snow yesterday .... and I wanted to feel the flakes on my nose …. but no, alas, I am held captive …. I believe the aliens are trying to extort large quantities of cash from me …. I have non …. perhaps they are looking for hidden treasures with the probe …. I do not know …. I know I must pay my bill before I will be allowed friends or escape …. will you help me? Pleaz? www.RikkisRefuge.org/Donate … Thank you, John Kitty
PS: John Kitty came to us on Feb 5th from a rural pound, brought in my his owners who no longer wanted him due to his serious injuries. He had surgery on the 6th and is recovering. He’s still in quarantine too, and won’t get to meet friends here for another week.
2/14/15 – Day 9 …. Happy Valentines Day. Won’t YOU be my Valentine? Won’t you come to my rescue? I’ll love you forever, I promise !!! Get me out of here ! …. Help me to break the window … I want my freedom … I’ve never been confined before and don’t see why I am now. It wasn’t my fault I was injured. Why oh why am I being punished here …. four walls around me ... no sunshine … just this artificial light controlled by the alien with the probe …. the alien comes in and forces me to swallow something …. then uses the probe in a very inappropriate place … the nums are good I will concede … I ate so much the first few days I thought I’d burst …. and the food kept coming … mmmm …. I don’t need to find a hidey hole nest at night … it’s late spring here in captivity and I sleep on a bed where I can look out at winter and freedom … The pain in my leg has subsided, no longer is every step earth shattering stabbing pain …. yet it aches where it has fallen off. Oh my friends …. stay away from cars … such dangerous things. I see none of them out the window here … none …. I yearn to be back on the streets of my home, romping with my friends …. I believe if I pay my debt, I shall be released …. please help me gain my freedom … www.RikkisRefuge.org/
2/15/15 – Day 10 Good Morning! My captors are good hunters … the nums are endless ….. ahhh but to feel the grass under my feet again ….. to hunt my own nums …… I sat in the window and watched the moon ….. I could feel the coolness of the outside world thru the window …. it is always summer in this place … my winter coat is already shedding out …I must escape soon …… the wind was blowing …. the trees swaying in the moonlight …. how I wanted to sit on the fence and howl and feel that cool wind blowing my fur …….. John Kitty
John Kitty checking out the window. (2/23/15)
John Kitty checking out Kerry’s morning tea! (2/23/15)
Spay/Neuter Awareness Month
Between 3 and 4 million adoptable animals are euthanized in animal shelters each year simply because they do not have homes. These high numbers are the result of unplanned litters that could have been prevented by spaying or neutering.
Spaying and neutering dramatically reduces the number of stray animals on the streets and in shelters.
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Egg Hunt at Rikki’s Refuge!
Saturday, April 4, 2015
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Reservations & Tickets Required
Valentine’s Day Tour and Reception
Mark your calendars and reserve your spot! Valentine’s Day Tour & Reception at Rikki’s Refuge on Saturday, February 14, 2015. The tour starts at noon and the reception follows at the Life Center at 2:00pm. Bring your sweetie(s) and share the love with the animals at Rikki’s! We’d LOVE to see you.
Reservations and tickets required!
Email us at: Tours@RikkisRefuge.org
Sunday Tour Schedule
Lots of Sunday Tours coming up at Rikki’s! Have you always wanted to come out and visit with the animals? We have LOTS of opportunities for that this year! You MUST have a reservation and tickets so for more information and/or to reserve your spot(s), email us at: Tours@RikkisRefuge.org
“SUPPER BOWL” XLIX Raffle Winners!
CONGRATULATIONS to our “SUPPER BOWL” XLIX RAFFLE winners! THANK YOU to ALL who participated, and for helping all the animals at Rikki’s Refuge!
1st – Ticket #16639 – Sandra Dean
2nd – Ticket #16671 – Cynthia Heflin
3rd – Ticket #16601 – Jayne Dimick
1st – Ticket #19685 – Deb Forrest
2nd – Ticket #19630 – Tari Ott
3rd – Ticket #19609 – Jean Evans
(All winners have been notified individually via email.)
Tour cancelled!
Today’s tour has been cancelled, please accept our apologies for the short notice! More tours are being scheduled and we will post information soon! THANK YOU!
The New England Predators vs The Seattle Seedeaters
Pick the winning team, who do YOU want to feed?
Hold the winning ticket, and feed yourself with 200 BIG ONES …. YES that’s $200
SIX prizes all together …. TOTALING $525 !!!!
Pick the winning team and YOUR odds are 1 in 100 of WINNING $200…. now that’s pretty darn good odds !!!!
Your overall chance of winning with one ticket is 1 in 33.333~~~ ….. WOW …. it’s easy to be a WINNER with us !!!!
Raffle tickets ONLY $10 each ……
Opie, Duke and the rest of the cats and dogs at Rikki’s are backing the New England Patriots, if that’s who you’re rooting for get your raffle ticket HERE: www.GoFundMe.com/NewEnglandPredator
Calvin, William and the rest of the cows, sheep and goats at Rikki’s are backing the Seattle Seahawks, if that’s who you’re rooting for get your raffle ticket HERE: www.GoFundMe.com/SeattleSeedeaters
Team up with Opie and Duke or Calvin and William …. Take your pick ….. Opie and Duke are collecting for canned cat and dog food …. Calvin and William are collecting for hay …..
At the end of the game, The Predators score will be the same as the Patriots and the Seedeaters score will be the same as the Seahawks ….. it’s all in fun … we’re feeding our friends ….. and you can watch us here or watch ‘em on NBC …. If you watch dem hoomans … just imagine out faces and us playing with that football !!!!! In any case — we’ll score the same.
For each $10 you contribute to your team’s goal …. you get ONE raffle ticket and YOU could win $200.
AFTER you’ve bought your ticket send an email to Vincent@RikkisRefuge.org telling us the name your ticket is in, and we’ll send you an electronic raffle ticket.
WATCH the SUPER BOWL and then tune in with us on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Vincent.Cat
Watch the drawing …. and WIN ….
First prize winner on the winning team (New England Predators & Patriots OR Seattle Seedeaters & Seahawks) will win $200, second prize $100, third prize $50. On the losing team first prize will be $100, second $50 and third $25.
There will be a total of six winners.
It’s a WIN WIN RAFFLE …… you can win up to $200 …. and the animals win cans of food or bales of hay !!!!!!
www.GoFundMe.com/NewEnglandPredator & Patriots OR
www.GoFundMe.com/SeattleSeedeaters & Seahawks
Here’s all the details and the fine print:
We will sell ONLY 100 raffle tickets for each team.
That’s a total of 200 tickets.
Tickets are $10 each.
You may buy one or more tickets for one or both teams. Hedge your bets and buy a couple tickets for each team !!!
Once you have paid for your Raffle Ticket, contact us by email at Vincent@RikkisRefuge.org to receive YOUR Raffle Ticket number.
You may buy tickets up to 5 pm on Super Bowl Sunday, February 1, 2015, BUT once 100 tickets are sold for each team — NO MORE WILL BE SOLD. Watch the updates at www.GoFundMe.com/NewEnglandPredator & www.GoFundMe.com/SeattleSeedeaters to see when all Raffle Tickets are SOLD OUT ……
The drawing will take place on Vincent Cat face book page https://www.facebook.com/Vincent.Cat shortly after the end of the Super Bowl on Sunday, February 1, 2015, 10 pm, 11 pm, when ever the game is over and the final scores are in. Results may be posted on other sites belonging to Rikki’s. You do not need to be present at the time to win.
Prize money will be Paypaled to the account of your choice, yours, a friend’s, a charity’s.
If you are a winner — one of the SIX winners — contact us by email at Vincent@RikkisRefuge.org
If winner(s) do not have a Paypal account or do not want to use their Paypal account …. they may request a check for their winnings, and should notify us of who to make the check out to and the address to send the check to. All checks will be in US Dollars and drawn on BBT, a US bank and will be mailed by standard first class USPS mail.
All winnings will be processed and sent out as soon as possible after receiving the winner’s information, but in no case later than 5 business days after receipt of that information.
Any winner not claiming their prize within 15 days of the drawing shall forfeit their prize and funds shall be used to buy food for the animals of Rikki’s Refuge.
100 tickets at $10 each, totals $1,000 for each team. Anyone contributing funds to these GoFundMe sites after the total has reached $1000 or 100 tickets for each team is NOT buying a ticket, but is DONATING funds and a raffle ticket will NOT be issued.
ONLY the first 100 ticket purchases at $10 each, or a total of $1000, on each team’s GoFundMe qualifies as a raffle ticket purchase.
If any donation is less than $10, it shall be strictly a donation and does NOT buy a raffle ticket.
Each $10 of a larger donation, will buy one ticket, and any excess will be strictly a donation. For example if you donate $247 you will get 24 tickets.
If you have any questions, get them answered BEFORE you buy tickets !!!! Please ask at one of these locations
The proceeds of this raffle will buy food to benefit the animals of Rikki’s Refuge which is owned and operated by Life Unlimited of Virginia, Inc., an IRS 501(c)(3) not-for-profit Virginia Corporation. Federal Tax-ID 54-1911042. Your donations provide direct support. A financial statement is available upon written request from the Virginia State Office of Consumer Affairs. www.RikkisRefuge.org 540-854-0870 Rikki’s Refuge, PO Box 1357, Orange VA 22960