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Ellie the Turkey needs help with Thanksgiving dinner!



Hi Ellie the Turkey here … I don’t know if some of you hoomans might be the right ones to ask for a hand here or not. I’m getting very worried. Thanksgiving is almost here. You know bad things happen to many Turkeys on Thanksgiving. Really bad things. Opie and Duke invited us all, every one of us 1297 critters at Rikki’s Refuge, to Thanksgiving Dinner. Problem is …. there’s not nuf to go round. And I’m a bit worried bout why we Turkeys got invited. Actually I’m getting downright scared. I’ve only got a day to save those of us Opie and Duke might …. well … you know … I just can’t say it. It will only cost $1 per meal … $1 to feed a cat, a dog, a horse, a pig ….. will you help me round up $1,297 so EVERYBODY can eat acceptable nums for Thanksgiving Dinner? Please help me …. I want to make sure everyone gets a plate … and no one is on a plate …. Thank you for saving lives by supporting the animals of Rikki’s Refuge …. Thank you very much, Ellie



JOIN THE FLOCK!  Will you consider making a meaningful difference in the lives of our amazing rescued turkeys by sponsoring one of them?  For just $10.42, you can feed one turkey for an entire month and for a mere $125 you can feed one for an ENTIRE YEAR!


This holiday season, why not gift yourself, your friends, and/or your family a TURKEY SPONSORSHIP instead of a turkey dinner??

RIKKIS - Ellie the Turkey

Our turkeys at Rikki’s Refuge  ~ Ellie, Mr Turkey, Clementine, Thomas, Claire, Tillie, and Everett ~ are sweet, playful, social birds.

RIKKIS - Turkey 2

And if you sponsor one of our beloved turkeys, we will email you a PDF photo of thanks of one of the kids (that you could frame to announce your gift? hint hint!).

RIKKIS - Turkey 3

Now remember, it is only $10.42 to feed one turkey for a month, and $125 to feed one for an entire year!  

RIKKIS - Turkey 4 RIKKIS - Turkeys 2 and put TURKEY in your payment note OR send through PAYPAL directly to and put TURKEY in the notes section of your payment!  It really is that easy!

RIKKIS - Sponsor a Turkey 1




On Ebay through Thursday 11/27/14 for Rikki’s Refuge!


“Baccarat crystal ornament green angel with horn” – Ebay auction item – 100% proceeds to Rikki’s Refuge – bidding open until Thursday morning 11/27/14!


This is a BEAUTIFUL crystal ornament! The angel measures 3 1/4″ tall. It has a pretty red cord for hanging. It is in perfect condition! No scratches or chips. Comes in it’s own Baccarat box, too!

Proceeds from the sale of this ornament will go to Rikki’s Refuge, a no-kill, multi-species animal sanctuary in Orange, Virginia.

Rikki’s Refuge ANGEL TREES

RIKKIS - Angel Trees OC MAGAgain this holiday season, Rikki’s Refuge will have Angel Trees located at several stores throught Central Virginia ~ Orange, Fredericksburg, Culpeper, and Charlottesville.  All trees should be in stores by Thanksgiving!

RIKKIS - Angel Tree 2These trees will be decorated with ornaments that feature pictures of some of our animal ambassadors, along with some background information about each individual.  By way of these ornaments, each animal will be requesting what he or she most wants to get from Santa this Christmas for themselves and their friends at Rikki’s.  Not surprisingly, it’s usually something edible!  We hope that if you are able, you will stop by one of the stores listed below and choose an ornament from one of our  Angel Trees and grant the wish of one of our animal residents.  You can purchase the requested items at that store, and leave it beneath the tree for one of our elves to pick up.  During the colder months, all of the animals at Rikki’s consume more food, because it takes a lot more of their energy to keep themselves warm.  This means that your donations of food at this time will be especially welcome!  Please know that everyone at Rikki’s Refuge ~ residents, staff, and volunteers alike ~ wish you a bright and beautiful holiday season!  

RIKKIS - Angel Trees white*List of Angel Tree locations (Thank you to all participating stores!)

    Tractor Supply
    Dollar General 
    Orange-Madison Co-op
    Tractor Supply
    Culpeper Animal Hospital
    Culpeper Co-op (Farm & Home Center)
    Roxbury Farm & Garden
    Giant at Hilltop
    360 Feed Supply
    Tractor Supply
    Harvest Market
    Confederate Ridge Animal Hospital
    Re-Tail Thrift Store
    Pet Supplies Plus

RIKKIS - Angel Trees OC MAG


Volunteer gift wrappers needed in Charlottesville


Volunteers are needed to help gift wrap at the Charlottesville Barnes and Noble at these times:
Tuesday, December 9 from 4 pm to 9 pm
Friday, December 12 from 4 pm to 9 pm
Wednesday, December 17 from 4 pm to 8 pm
Thursday, December 18 from 4 pm to 9 pm

All donations received go directly to Rikki’s Refuge and it’s lots of fun.

If you can help for an evening or just a couple of hours please contact Ron Herfurth (Rikki’s Refuge Director of Serving Cats) at:



Photos with Santa!


MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! Santa is coming! Santa is coming! Santa is coming to Re-Tail in December! He’ll be there so that you can get your pet’s (or child, or entire family!) picture taken with him! For a $10 donation, you will get a 4″x6″ print in a photo card! And since there may be some adorable blooper shots taken (that you like, but not to put on your Christmas card) we’ll be happy to e-mail all of the pictures of your pets to you!
Photos will be taken on Saturday, Dec. 6, 13, and 20 from 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m., and Sunday Dec. 7 and 14 from 1:00 until 4:00, and Friday, Dec. 12 from 11:00 until 3:00
Call for an appointment (but walk-ins are welcome, too) 540-891-5300.
Re-Tail is located at 3503 Lafayette Blvd., Fredericksburg, Va., 22408.


Rikki’s Refuge Annual ThanksLIVING Cruelty-Free FEAST


YOU ARE INVITED! We are so THANKFUL for our amazing volunteers and generous friends that we would like to invite you to our Annual ThanksLiving Cruelty-Free Feast, where we dine WITH our friends and not ON our friends. We will gather on Saturday, November 22 starting at 3:00pm at our Life Center, located next to the Refuge. We would ask for a donation of $25 and/or a VEGETARIAN potluck dish to share. For more information and to RSVP, please contact Lolly at: