We could use your help with nominations and voting! Thanks!
Do you have a photo of your dog using a door? If you do, you can use that photo to enter this contest! You could help win 1000 pounds of dog food for Rikki’s Refuge! Submissions (USA only) accepted through 11/30/14 here:
Please nominate Rikki’s Refuge for a chance to win 1000 meals from “LandLoveandYou”! You must like the SNIFFERY page, enter your email and enter your rescue (Rikki’s Refuge, Rapidan, VA.) ONE VOTE PER EMAIL ADDRESS ONLY! Last day to enter 10/30/14. Nominate Rikki’s here: http://woobox.com/bbrxoe/a8048c
Please nominate Rikki’s Refuge for a 2014 Top-Rated Award from “Great Non Profits” by writing a new review for us! We need ten new, positive reviews by October 31, 2014! Use this link for your nomination: http://greatnonprofits.org/awards/nominate
Rikki’s Refuge is registered as LIFE UNLIMITED OF VIRGINIA INC with this organization, but a search for Rikki’s Refuge should also bring us up! THANKS!
The new Shelter Challenge runs from October 13, 2014 through November 23, 2014. Please vote and share for Rikki’s Refuge every day, thank you!
Vote here: http://www.shelterchallenge.com/web/charityusa/nomineehome?userId=53331&nomineeId=17448
Please vote for Hershey and Colt, and help them win for Rikki’s Refuge! No registration! Just CLICK and VOTE! Please vote and share once a day through 10/21/14 – THANKS!
VOTE HERE: http://www.publix-pet-contest.com/vote#entry-12817
Hershey and Colt are trying to win a $750 Publix Gift Card for Rikki’s Refuge! WOW!