Rikki’s will be involved in lots of fun events in the coming weeks and months! We would love to see all of our friends at some or all of these happenings!
First, two more days to keep voting for Rikki’s in the Tractor Supply Contest – we have appreciated all of your votes and thank you for voting and sharing for us. These last few days are critical, so keep up the great work! Click this picture and it will take you directly to the voting page for Rikki’s Refuge!

This weekend, Saturday, September 13, if you are in the Richmond, VA area, we would love to see you at CiCi’s Pizza ~ it’s a fundraiser for Rikki’s Refuge!

CiCi’s Pizza (North Chesterfield Location!)
11549 Busy St., Richmond, VA. 23236
Saturday, September 13, 2014
11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Dine at Cici’s Pizza on Saturday 9/13/14 between 10AM-4PM and let your server know you’re eating out to help Rikki’s Refuge! Cici’s will donate 10% of net sales to help Rikki’s Refuge! Bring a donation of cat or dog food! Cash donations accepted!
If you can’t make it out but would love to donate to Rikki’s, you can always do so the following ways:
OR directly to our Paypal account at mail@rikkisrefuge.org
OR via regular mail to: Rikki’s Refuge, PO Box 1357, Orange, VA 22960

Also on Saturday, September 13, from NOON – 2:00pm, we will have our Donation Drop-Off and Job Interviews at the Rikki’s Refuge Education Center (see address below). The gates will be open and interviews start PROMPTLY at 12:00pm NOON. Please note this is the gate at the corner of Route 20 and Quarterhorse Lane!

On Sunday, September 14, at 7:00pm, please come out and join us for Rikki’s Spiritual Night at the Education Center. It’s a place to talk about growing personally and spiritually, a place for transformation, to learn to be more cat-like, to love your life, to be a happier, kinder, gentler you, to be more in touch with the reality of the universe and less caught up in day-to-day drama and life…..a place to learn to purr more and hiss less. 😉

On Saturday, September 20-21, Rikki’s will be at the Fredericksburg Pet Show. This is a fun family event!

On Saturday, September 27, RIkki’s will be at the Charlottesville, VA Vegetarian Festival! Admission is FREE and this festival gets better every year!! Hope to see you there!

Do you like to run? Or even walk? Have you signed up for Rikki’s Refuge 5K Run/Walk in November? Join us on November 1, at 9:00am at beautiful Lake Anna State Park. Your entry fee is only $25 (or $30 on the actual race day) and will help the 1300 animals who call Rikki’s Refuge their home. Checks should be made to Rikki’s Refuge. Donations of pet foot and/or other supplies are welcome! Awards will be presented to the first male and female finisher and the first three in every age group.
Entry forms can be picked up at: VA Runner, Ed’s Awards & Engraving, Giant Food Stores, 360 Feeds or you can email bugbane30@gmail.com for more information!

As Fall arrives and the holidays approach, there will be many other events and opportunities for you to meet the critters, volunteer, donate and share for Rikki’s Refuge. Stay tuned to this page and our Facebook page for the updates.
And remember, we could not do anything for the animal residents at Rikki’s Refuge without YOUR help. You are a blessing to us and we are grateful to you every single day!