Did you know that you can help Rikki’s Refuge every time you make a purchase on Amazon? Sign up for free for AmazonSmile at http://smile.amazon.com/ and search for us there as “LIFE UNLIMITED OF VIRGINIA INC”. Choose us as your charity. For every purchase you make afterward, a donation will be sent to Rikki’s!
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Where you can find Rikki’s Refuge
1. Rikki’s on the Web:
2. Rikki’s on Facebook:
3. Rikki’s on Twitter:
@RikkisRefuge https://www.twitter.com/rikkisrefuge
4. Rikki’s Blog:
5. Rikki’s on Pinterest:
6. Rikki’s on Flickr:
7. To make a donation to Rikki’s:
Rikki’s Refuge in Orange County, Virginia, is a 400 acre, no-kill, all species peaceful sanctuary supported solely by donations of kind and loving individuals. The refuge is home to over 1200 animals of over 20 different species, including but not limited to cats, dogs, sheep, goats, rabbits, pigs, emus, chickens, ducks, geese, a chukar, peacocks, and more. It is owned and operated by Life Unlimited of Virginia, Inc. an approved not-for profit Virginia Corporation and IRS tax code 501(c)(3) corporation as determined by the IRS. Federal Tax-ID number 54-1911042. A financial statement is available upon written request from the State Office of Consumer Affairs.
Sunday Class
*** COME JOIN US THIS SUNDAY 7/27/14 ***
2nd and 4th Sundays of every month! (at 7:00 PM)
COME JOIN US! (Classes are FREE! Donations appreciated!)
Rikki’s Refuge meditation/spiritual development/self-improvement classes!
*** POTLUCK *** Bring a vegan or vegetarian dish to share!
Rikki’s Refuge Educational Center
21420 Constitution Highway
Rapidan, Virginia 22733
*Plenty of parking!
*Nice kitchen!
*Climate-controlled facility!
Saturday Donation Drop-Off
Donation Drop-Off Every Saturday NOON-2:00 PM
Rikki’s Refuge Educational Center
21410 Constitution Hwy.
Rapidan, VA. 22733
Dry/Wet DOG FOOD, Dry/Wet CAT FOOD, Fresh Produce, Paper Towels, Large Heavy Duty Trash Bags
You may also leave donations for Rikki’s Refuge at Re-Tail in Fredericksburg any time during normal business hours, if this is more convenient for you!
To make a donation to Rikki’s:
Rikki’s Amazon Wish List:
Please vote, please share, we need you!
We really need your DAILY votes in the Animal Rescue Site SHELTER CHALLENGE! You could help us win a much needed grant to help the animals! Please vote! Please share on every social media venue you can: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. Sharing helps us!
Please VOTE & SHARE for RIKKI’S REFUGE in the Animal Rescue Site SHELTER CHALLENGE every day! Thank you!
Vote here: http:// www.shelterchallenge.com/ web/charityusa/ nomineehome?userId=53331&no mineeId=17448
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 diced onion
4 cloves minced garlic
1 cup diced carrots
2 stalks diced celery
1 head cauliflower, cut into florets
Salt & Pepper
1 bay leaf
1 quart vegetable stock
Heat the olive oil over medium heat in a medium size pot.
Add the onion, garlic, carrots, celery. Cook for 8-10 minutes until softened and fragrant.
Add the cauliflower florets and saute for 5 minutes. Add the bay leaf, salt, pepper, and vegetable stock.
Cook for 15 minutes or until cauliflower is completely soft. Using an immersion blender (or regular blender in batches) blend the soup. Pour into bowls and garnish with fresh chopped herbs of your choice and/or roasted pine nuts. Serve with a good crusty bread and this makes a wonderful meal!
Positivity Pledge!
I shall no longer allow negative thoughts or feelings to drain me of my energy. Instead I shall focus on all the good that is in my life. I will think it, feel it and speak it. By doing so I will send out vibes of positive energy into the world and I shall be grateful for all the wonderful things it will attract into my life.
Volunteer Feed Haul
Donna, Paul, Fred, and Brittany hauled donated food to Rikki’s Refuge today, volunteering considerable time, effort, and personal vehicles! They drove to Verona, VA. and back to Rikki’s with several pallets worth of canned and dry food! THANK YOU FOR HELPING RIKKI’S REFUGE! All three of you ROCK!
Tari’s Cornerstone Studio for Dance visits Rikki’s!
Rikki’s Refuge was paid a very special visit by Tari Ott and some of her wonderful dance students from Tari’s Cornerstone Studio for Dance in Haslett, Michigan! This fine group of young folks worked hard to collect food for our animals, and also presented Rikki’s Refuge with a generous donation! All the critters are so excited and will love the attention! WOW! THANK YOU!
There is a very nice Facebook page for Tari’s dance school here:
https://www.facebook.com/ pages/ Taris-Cornerstone-Studio-fo r-Dance/247120775313545
You may see the full album for Tari’s Cornerstone School of Dance – visit to Rikki’s Refuge on one of three albums!
ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152141969332391.1073741866.169651012390&type=1
ON FLICKR: https://www.flickr.com/photos/rikkis_refuge/sets/72157645860365444/
ON PINTEREST: http://www.pinterest.com/RikkisRefuge/taris-cornerstone-school-of-dance/
Vote Vote Vote!
Please VOTE & SHARE for RIKKI’S REFUGE in the Animal Rescue Site SHELTER CHALLENGE every day! Thank you!
Vote here: http://