Seven more find safe haven at Rikki’s Refuge!

One….Twoooooooo……Three little ….. four … FIVE ….. BIG doggies ….. Kiki’s cousins left at a high kill shelter when their sheep farm closed ….. very skinny, full of fleas, dewclaws so long some have grown into flesh ……. you should have seen them romping and playing and so happy to be together again when we got home to Rikki’s Refuge yesterday.

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This guys foot was injured in a parking lot … they think it might have been run over … he was turned over to the emergency hospital for treatment, then to Rikki’s Refuge. Nothing broken, but foot badly abraded … he’s getting healing treatment and therapy, here swimming in warm water, till he heals, then he’ll join the other ducks at Rikki’s.


This racing pigeon joined Pigeon Palace Saturday because he had a broken wing that hadn’t healed right and he can’t fly well.



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About Rikki's Refuge

Supported entirely by donations from kind and loving individuals, Rikki's Refuge in Orange County, Virginia, is a 450 acre, no-kill, all species peaceful sanctuary supported solely by donations of kind and loving individuals. The refuge is home to over 1200 animals of over 20 different species, including but not limited to cats, dogs, sheep, goats, rabbits, pigs, emus, chickens, ducks, geese, a chukar, peacocks, and more. It is owned and operated by Life Unlimited of Virginia, Inc. an approved not-for profit Virginia Corporation and IRS tax code 501(c)(3) corporation as determined by the IRS. Federal Tax-ID number 54-1911042. A financial statement is available upon written request from the State Office of Consumer Affairs.