We love our pigs at Rikki’s Refuge!! Right now we have 8 farm pigs and 30+ potbelly pigs!

How do we get so many potbellies? Sadly, these wonderful little creatures are sold as babies and advertised as mini pigs and, well,
That’s right … even itty bitty baby piggies …. even the itty bitty teeny weenie miniature kind … grow up to be piggies of at least 150 pounds …. I mean when you compare it to a full grown regular size farm pig at 1200 pounds …. ya know … 150 pounds IS itty bitty. Some of our “little” pigs are actually well over 200 pounds!!

It’s just not what people are thinking “miniature” means. But 1/10 the size of a regular item is considered “miniature” on the global scheme of things.
AND if you get two adorable itty bitty little piggies ….. and you don’t spay and neuter them … Guess What? Just like kitties and doggies …. and well any creature …. pretty soon you end up with a lot more than the Three Little Piggies …..
And that seems to be about the time people call Rikki’s Refuge hysterical … but I didn’t know a miniature pig would be THIS big …. and I don’t know how it happened (really, you missed biology in high school?) but my pig just had a WHOLE litter of babies …..

And that’s how piggies find their way to a wonderful forever home where they are allowed to be the piggies they were born to be … at Rikki’s Refuge!

**Because you always support our mission, we are able to say YES to bringing in these sweet pigs that need us into Rikki’s Refuge! THANK YOU!