GREAT NEWS! Our wonderful year end donor is EXTENDING OUR MATCH CHALLENGE thru January 4! Due to some computer issues (that have now been fixed!!), we weren’t able to get the word out to as many folks as we needed to reach and didn’t meet the match by December 31! We are so GRATEFUL for EVERY single one of you that has donated so far and for EVERY single penny donated, but our kind donor wants us to have a fair chance to get every dollar of the match offer so we have FOUR extra days!! Spread the word, donate if you can, and SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!!

The animals of Rikki’s Refuge are counting on you! It’s our End of the Year $50,000 Donation Match Challenge!
Double your impact for the animals! We have an amazingly generous donor who has offered to match all donations up to $50,000!
Will you help us make it through the cold winter months, ensuring that every animal gets fed??
$20 becomes $40, $50 becomes $100, $250 becomes $500
Will you share with everyone you know! We need your help!!
Mail a check or money order: PO Box 1357, Orange VA. 22960