Author Archives: Kerry Hilliard

January 7, 2021 Thursday at Rikki’s Refuge

January 7, 2021 Thursday, Breakfast and Beyond at Rikki’s Refuge
all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

Frosty Morning – Frosty Sheep

With all that thick luscious wool, just about nothing bothers them !!!

Siamese Twins?

No, it’s Fzzy Wuzzy and Charcoal showing up for duty on this cold and frosty morning.

On to Horsey Haven

Thank you, I’ll take that !

Ohhh look at those burrs in her mane!!!

Somebody is going to the beauty shop today for a bush and snip!

Always gotta stand on somethin !

Is that sheep streaking ?

Isn’t she lovely?

She’s the elder matriarch of our Angora Goat herd.

The elder patriarch of Horsey Haven

Is somebody reading a map there?

Planning an escape with my RV?

You seriously expect ME to eat sweet feed?

Boyfriend lives at the Life Center. Just on the outside. He’s welcome to come in. He did that for about 15 seconds once a year ago. He bolted out fast. But he loves to hang out and look in the windows. He meows and greets everyone and acts like the wants in. But when the door is offered to him, he bolts.

He got his name, Boyfriend, cus Amiee lived in the Life Center. A stately gray lady, who wanted to go outside. But she wasn’t allowed. She sat on a cat tree in the window on the inside, and Boyfriend came courting on the outside. At first we think Boyfriend had nefarious ideas abut Amiee. But then we caught him and he got a trip to the Speuter Clinic. He still hung out and courted Aimee thru the window.

Several years ago Aimee for a furrever home with our friend Lia far far away in Connecticut. Boyfriend misses Aimee, but now he courts Riley. I’m not sure he’d be as impressed if he met her with out that layer of glass for protection. Riley is …. well … Riley !!!!

Sunshine showed up as little kitten

though old enough to be thoroughly feral. We thought someone had dumped him here, but soon his siblings and mom showed up, and then more. Turned out a bunch of cats had been evicted. Cats that weren’t “fixed”. Cats that had been breeding. Homeless and hungry, they found our barn, some mice and Boyfriend’s food.

We’re trapping and speutering. An unexpected expense this year when money is hard to come buy. It’s costing us about $100 to fully vet the girls, and $75 for the boys.

We’d certainly not turn down the offer to help us get every last one speutered !!!

Sunshine thinks Boyfriend is his Daddy.

But we know better! Even if he has learned to pretend he wants to come inside and loves being a peeping tom !!!

Hey! HOOMAN ! It’s about time for FOOD !

FINALLY ! Contented kitties !!

And everybody is WELL FED at Rikki’s Refuge.

With YOUR help we have saved and provide life long homes to well over 1,000 animals each and every day !!!!
Animals who had nowhere else on earth to go.

Thank YOU for making it all possible.

And everybody is WELL FED at Rikki’s Refuge.

With YOUR help we have saved and provide life long homes to well over 1,000 animals each and every day !!!!
Animals who had nowhere else on earth to go.

Thank YOU for making it all possible.

January 6, 2021 Wednesday at Rikki’s Refuge

January 6, 2021 Wednesday at Rikki’s Refuge

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

Humans have a way of thinking they’re the smartest species. But ohhhhhh ….. our animals are always teaching us otherwise !!!!!

Miss Piggy decided to show up us hoomans today !!!

And head out on a walk about. It’s not too hard for a 700 pound piggy to root and dig and shove and push and work their way out of just about any fencing we can build. All fence lines are checked every morning. It gives the hooman miles of exercise walking !!!

Luckily nobody ever goes far when they do bust out. They don’t want to leave their friends for long.

Bet getting them back in the door can be challenging !!!!

They tend to think “see if you can catch me” is a fun game. The hoomans don’t always agree. And then they get to play “fix the fence”. And we never have enough fencing material so always have to make do till we can raise the money for new parts.

Each panel is $23.99. Miss Piggy damaged one badly enough it will never be very secure and needs to be replaces. Two others have become bent over time and will be the next exit point. So really, Miss Piggy better figure out how to raise an extra $71.97 if she doesn’t want to miss a few meals when we take it out of her meal budget !!!!

A bag of piggy food is only $9.99. That’s a 50 pound sack. It takes about 2 and half to feed all the pigs every day. And that means 7 less bags of feed this week if we divert the money to buy fencing.

Ughhhhh would you like to help Miss Piggy out?
PS we never starve our animals or make them pay in food for their misdeeds !!!! But we have struggled everyday since covid shut things down and our supporters have less to share with us. A year ago we would have had extra funds for some fencing. Now we struggle for food and medical care and sanitation on a daily basis. We certainly appreciate any help you can offer.

Chasing Miss Piggy down and fixing her fence enough to hopefully keep her in till we can get some panel has delayed everyone else’s meal !!!

And look who’s arrived !!!!!

It’s Lyn with her vehicle full of donations !!! Lyn drives to our Donation Locations in Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania and picks up items from the stores that are nice enough to keep a donation box for Rikki’s Refuge !!! Today she picked up from the Hilltop Giant at 10346 Courthouse Road in Spotsylvania and from 360 Feed & Supply at 5037 Plank Rd in Fredericksburg. YOU can stop in either anytime and buy a few cans of cat or dog food for Rikki’s and leave them in our donation box for Lyn’s next trip out !!!


LUNCH !!!!!! LUNCH !!!!!! LUNCH !!!!!

Hanging out on the sun deck after lunch.

Or hiding in their beds

if they’re relatively new feral arrivals who are still frightened of hoomans.

Time to feed the cows, and that means moving thousand pound giant bales of hay. Something that used to be easy, but will be more difficult until we can afford a new battery for the tractor. I’ll let Tony explain, “I really need a new tractor battery, ours isn’t holding charge and it can be pretty spooky when it cuts off and you have a thousand pound 6×6 hay bail just hanging in the air.”

“For example I have to lift the bail over the fence at least this high so when the power cuts out and you’re going forward, it stalls, lifting the rear tires off the ground. Has me worried about the damage to the tractor if we tip over.”

Unfortunately that battery will cost about $120.

Yikes !!! A lot more than a car battery. But it’s got to start over and over in the cold, be powerful enough to keep the hydraulics working, withstand all the shaking and vibration of a tractor. if you’d like to help Tony out !!

And last, but certainly not least for the day, Tony finds a tree down on the fencing. It can’t wait until tomorrow. A critter will find it over night and go walking about. They need the safety and protection of their fencing.

Luckily it’s not a big tree so the job won’t be too long to get it cut up and off the fence. When you get extra chores like chasing pigs, dealing with tractors in need of repair, or cutting fallen trees and fixing fences, you still don’t get to skip any of your vital animal care jobs for the day.

Tony will be working well into the night tonight.

And he’s going to need one panel of fencing here, and at least 2 tposts to make a proper repair. Tonight he’ll just do the best he can with what ever materials he didn’t use on Miss Piggy’s fence. Another unexpected $31.77 needed for repairs today. And where will that come from?

While Tony’s missing his dinner to make sure everything is safe for the animals and they’re fed and happy

All the animals are CONTENT at Rikki’s Refuge.

With YOUR help we provide life long homes to well over 1,000 animals each and every day !!!!
Animals who had nowhere else on earth to go.

Thank YOU for making it all possible.

January 5, 2021 Monday at Rikki’s Refuge, National Bird Day and National Monopoly Game Day

January 5, 2021 Monday at Rikki’s Refuge, National Bird Day and National Monopoly Game Day
all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

Well Birds are easy to come by at Rikki’s Refuge … but board games ???
We did catch this trio playing cards one morning …..
who knows what goes on at night when the hoomans aren’t watching !!

Rikki’s Refuge is home to many birds.




What on earth is that crazy Unicorn up to? Milo is scratching his chin on the shingled roof !!

Many wild birds live with us too.

They fly in and out as they wish. More coming for breakfast when it’s harder to find food in wild.

The cardinal photos are from this day last year when we had snow. Luckily we don’t any today !!

Pheasants are often raised as game birds and used to train hunting dogs. Occasionally they end up with us when they’ve been injured and are no longer useful.

Most of our animals went thru a sad and hurt part of life. Generally that is what brings them to us. The most wonderful feeling in the world is rehabilitating them and watching them become healthy and happy again !!!


and pigeons

and peacocks

Turkeys and peacocks eating pumpkins !!

Arlo and his chickens.

Reeses says, “I’ve got a black cat!! Do I count? Can I get my picture posted?”

Our guard Alpaca Jupiter watches for the nice delivery hoomans to bring out pressies for the day …

Look !!!  Pressies today !!!!   We get to eat !!!!

Crybaby wants snuggles before lunch.

NO hooman, you no can leave me and go feed horses and sheep ….

BIG horses

Little horse

Eddie is a miniature horse. He’ll be 25 years old this year. He tries to boss big horses around and that’s not so good. Even without horns he’s able to boss some goats around and for the most part be their friends. But he didn’t have a true best friend till Lucky the cow came along.

When Lucky arrived he was very young and about the same size as Eddie and they bonded and became inseparable. And Lucky grew. Now a big adult cow, he still thinks Eddie is his best friend and he’s scared of other cows !!!


Everybody is HAPPY at Rikki’s Refuge.

With YOUR help we can save and provide life long homes to well over 1,000 animals each and every day !!!!

Thank YOU for making it all possible.

January 4, 2021 Monday at Rikki’s Refuge, National Trivia Day

January 4, 2021 Monday at Rikki’s Refuge, National Trivia Day
all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

Good Morning Hooman – about time you’re here – we’re ready for breakfast


Let’s get those thumbs snapping …… we’ve got the cans ready …

LOOK! Right here … OPEN this one ……

Did YOU know that January 4th is National Trivia Day ? So let’s play !!

Can you name one of Life Centers Longest Residents ?

How about a clue? She’s know to be a little bipolar, or one of those we call a psycho kitty. She might be friendly, or she might be luring YOU in for a taste of your blood! Psycho kitties turn on a dime from ohh I love you, pat me some more, snuggle me, love me more ….. to CHOMP and very often CHOMP … CHOMP … CHOMP … CHOMP … and now you have 16 painful puncture wounds.

Psycho kitties are challenging. They entice you to come close and scratch their ears, or their belly. We know something has happened to make them like this, we just don’t know what. They so obviously want love and affection, and they seem to be enjoying it, yet turn and attack as if they fear you can’t be trusted and will hurt them. So they get you first.

Psycho kitties just pull at our hearts so. We want to let them know we will never hurt them. We want to earn their trust. We want to see them happy and secure always. We try to learn when to pull away just before they flip and chomp. We get pretty good at it. Bet we still lose blood on occasion.

Over time these kitties do mellow out with us. So instead of bleeding several times a day, it may be only once a month, or every few months. But every time we get a little to brave …. they put us in our place and show who is really ruling the show.

So did you guess who? It’s Riley !!!

Two goats and a unicorn

Yes, unicorns are real. Though Milo, our resident unicorn, was born a goat. Do you know how he became a unicorn?

If you follow Rikki’s Refuge I bet you do ! You can follow us at or
If YOU follow us, you’ll learn all about the animals, the events, and what we’re up to !!!

So how’d Milo get to b a Unicorn? Well it’s a sad story. Lots of people don’t want their goats to have horns. The horns sure are cute. BUTT goats like to use those horns to BUTT . If you bend over, the see a target and just can’t resist !! Some love to run up from behind you and BUTT your knees. And WHOOOF your knees give out and you go down !!! They love to BUTT gates, doors, cars … oh cars are so much fun … shiny and reflective !!! Never give a goat a mirror …. they’d instantly be destined to 7 years bad luck !!!

And so a lot of hoomans do things to bet rid of horns on goats. Things like putting acid on the little horn buds when they’re babies, or trying to dig out the horn bud. Some time the goat dies because that horn bud goes down to the skull and if you crack that and an infection gets in …… Hoomans have come up with awful things to do to animals to alter them to their likin, and often with no regard for pain the animal feels or anything.

And somebody did that to Milo before he came to live with us. ICK. He was very young still. He had very tiny horns an inch or so long, maybe 2, and they weren’t right, all twisty and porous and one was pretty soft. We’d never seen that in a goat before. It was our goat doc who told us what had caused that. We were kind of glad that was it, cus we’d worried it was some kind of deficiency that would also affect his bones and they’d break easy too.

Being a goat, Milo did what goats do. BUTT BUTT BUTT … Young goat have to get in a lot of practice to perfect those BUTTs !!! And one day, while BUTTing his head on the side of the 9th Life Assisted Living, Retirement and Psychiatric Building, the little deformed horns broke off and his head started to bleed real bad. We were really worried. The goat doc said keep it clean, use antibiotic ointment, and they may never grow back. Well one didn’t. But the other grew in just fine and strong and normal.

And so Milo is a Unicorn !!!

What kind of babies are these?

Nope! Not chickens … not ducks … not geese …. and not song birds !!!

These are newly hatched Guinea Fowl !!

These are adult Guineas.

Guineas are really nice birds. They’re wilder than chickens. They like to sleep in trees. Most hate to have to go into a house and won’t except on very very cold nights or if it’s sleeting. Guineas group together and can really scream up a storm. People like them for guard birds. Nobody sneaks past a Guinea !! If they don’t know you they all come running and sound the alarm.

They are also very peaceful birds and object to anyone fighting. And they put their lives at risk to stop it. They will jump into a dog fight, two goats head butting (you wonder where the term butthead comes from? Yup, one who stands there beating their own head against a wall!), or cats fighting. They jump in and stop a rooster going after a hen. And they protect songbirds.

Once upon a time a very naughty cat jumped up and caught a bird, right there in the front yard. Before I could run to try and save it, the guineas swarmed in screaming, they chased the cat down, surrounded it, all screaming, and a couple going in to peck and flap (birds will beat you with their wings) the cat. Finally the cat dropped the bird and fled. The guineas then surrounded the bird and sat quietly around in a circle until the bird felt better and got up, walked around a little, and flew away.

Then the guineas went back to hunting bugs in the grass.

Ohhhh and one of the guineas’ favorite foods? Ticks !!! YES !!!! They can really keep an area tick free !!!! But if you get them for tic control, be ready for all the loud calling and alerting !!! Something different and they all GOOHHHAAAAKKKK loudly until they are sure the danger is over. And they call to each other when the find a bunch of something good to eat. IIIIIGOOOOOOOHIIIITTTTT come over here and get some.

Why does Rikki’s have Guineas? Cuz silly hoomans get them without knowing heir nature and then can’t stand the loud screaming all the time. And so they come to Rikki’s !!!! Where we appreciate heir unique voices and their watch dog … I mean bird … behavior and their peace keeping among all the residents.

Why do so many geese end up at Rikki’s Refuge?

Cus they had no other safe place to go. Usually it’s their HONKING that hoomans don’t like, so they get rid of them. And if their talking doesn’t do them in, those silly birds actually poop, and that upsets hoomans too.

Some hoomans want to raise them as hooman food. We don’t like that idea. But it happens. Several years ago, several counties away, someone had set up a home breeding and butchering project. They had pretty small enclosures and were breeding geese and ducks and butchering the ones people came to buy. Neighbors kept complaining about it. And the county came to check it out, and then animal control came, and they said no, no, no …. you’re not zoned to run a butcher place, and these enclosures are small and filthy and you’re in trouble for doing this.

So the hooman disappeared and left the birds there, no food or water. A neighbor started helping them and called animal control again and rescue was authorized. I have some volunteers who can tell you amazing stories of packing up crates and carriers in many vehicles, heading out at daybreak, chasing and catching birds all day, falling in the mud (and poop), catching birds mid flight trying to escape and more !!!!

They arrived nearing dark one night with their vehicles full of hungry tired and frightened birds. We were most the night getting them all set up and checked out. Since it was an unexpected venture, we had no place for the birds to live. So we closed the Day Runs, the protected outdoor play area, of the 9th Life Assisted Living, Retirement and Psychiatric Building, and used anything we could find to make temporary nesting boxes.

The cats were NOT impressed, but they only had to put up with it for a few days before we had a new area built where the ducks and geese could quarantine and acclimate. Now most are free rangers, others live in aviaries.

How many hay bales do the cows go through each week?

And I don’t mean those little bales you can pick up and toss to them !!!! Those “little” bales that look so light and fluffy and only weigh 40-60 pounds each. I learned THAT the first day a truck full came to Rikki’s and we were unloading it. Right …. not going to be tossing these things around !!!

When you have big animals … and lots of big animals … buying little bales is very inefficient and the labor to haul them around would be crazy. It’d take a few just to fill up a cow. If you’ve never been around cows, you have no idea how big they really are. Our tallest are 7 feet at the shoulders. Not an animal you’re going to push around. So before you get in there with them, you better learn cow etiquette and how to work safely around them. Like NEVER turn your back. But that a story for another time.

So the hay bales we get are 4’ wide and 6’ around and weight between 1,500 and 2,000 pounds. Something you need the tractor to move around.

This hay bale is already more than half eaten.

So how many a WEEK? For the cows … just the cows. Don’t count the horses, sheep, goats or pigs in there. How many do you think the cows eat a week?

SIX !!!

And when we’re lucky we can get decent quality for $40 a bale. Market rate is $60 or more. And then you’re have to pick up, or have delivered …. this is why you see our crazy fundraiser for a whole bunch of hay at the beginning of winter. We have a wonderful farmer who sells them to us for $40 AND delivers for FREE.

So so so many wonderful people come together to make Rikki’s Refuge possible so the animals can have a home for LIFE !!!

Baaaahhhhh Baaahhhhh Black Sheep, Have You Any Wool?

Are our sheep black? Or White?
Most of ours have black faces and black legs and grow white wool !!!

And do they have wool?
You be they do, and to GROWS. Nature did not make sheep to just grow and grow wool without ever stopping. Have you ever seen any animal who’s hair doesn’t reach some length and then there’s no more? Or even any animal who is natural to a climate who does not shed out thick coats in the spring and grow it back in the winter? Of course not !!!! Cus God made them right !!! Made them for the best survival.

But hoomans changed that. They’ve breed “wool” sheep to never let go of their heavy warm “fur” no matter how hot it is. So they MUST be sheared every year so they don’t have heat exhaustion in the summer. “Meat” sheep, which I won’t discuss what they are breed for, do still shed out like normal natural animals. In the spring you’ll see their wool start to peel off in hunks.

So how much wool do we have to shear off every year?
Almost 50 big trash bags full !!!! But in more recent years we’ve found wonderful shearers who travels the USA shearing all spring and summer and fall. We now have a standing appointment for early May. They’re pros, a wife and husband team, who work an area at a time. Only one comes to us, sets up their professional equipment, including wool compressor !!!! Then they spend well less than three MINUTES a sheep !!! So little stress on the sheep, no injuries, Ohhh they’re the best shearers ever !!!

They can pack all that wool into one giant canvas bag.

Our wool is “dirty” cus we let out sheep live the lives they want to. They get to play in the woods, roll in the mud. And many have their tails. What? Yes if you’re farming for wool, you cut the tails off. WHY? Cus the poop gets matted in the fur/wool on the back end more with the tail there. So that warrants chopping off a body part, cus it’s icky to have to shear and the back end of the wool then sells for less cus it needs more cleaning. Oh well …. we’d rather have tails and less quality wool !!!! Wouldn’t YOU ?

We tried selling our wool a few times to make back the cost of shearing. In the very beginning we put it out for birds and wildlife. But they used very little, and we had to clean up wool from all over the refuge !!! What a mess !!! Live and learn !!! Then we bagged it up and volunteers took it to the wool market. But they got very little for it as it was cut off in hunks. Our first sheep, it took us three DAYS a sheep to shear !!!! We had hand clippers, had no idea how to hold them still, got kicked in the head, bit. Dang the How to Shear Your Sheep book said to quiet the sheep put your finger in their mouth behind the teeth. What it didn’t say was when you feel the gap there without teeth … watch out the big sharp chompers are BEHIND that gap and those things will crush your finger but good !!!!

But our pros shear the wool off in full pelts, roll properly, and bag. They don’t trip off the edges or do any cleaning, which would bring more money, but takes a lot of time. And they take out wool and sell it for us. It covers the cost of shearing !!! And in some years when the wool market is strong, we even get enough money back to feed the sheep a few days !!!

Can YOU guess Patrick’s and Preston’s favorite past time?

And we’re not talking about rolling in the mud or eating!! What else do they LOVE? And what do they get every day?

Back scratches and belly rubs !!! Pigs just love to rubbed and scratched. More even than your dog or cat does !! They especially love their armpits scratched, and if you start when they’re standing up, they’ll get an absolute blissful look on their face and flop over !!!!

This is a technique we use to calm then and keep them laying down for various vet work. Say you have an eye or ear infection and need drops. Or it’s shot time. Or the vet is here to trip hooves or tusks.

Breakfast at Feline Fields.
How many cans of cat food are on this tray?

The cans today are these. We’re not picky and neither are our cats. They’ll eat what ever you will send them !!

Six cans ! And each cat house will get at least four trays. And then there are the 9th Life cat and the Life Center cats and the Office cats, and the Free Range Cats.

Yup, it takes a LOT of food to feed almost 600 cats every day !!!

Thank you for your donations. Every day the nice mailhooman, UPS and FedEx come with packages for us. And usually it’s food!! This is what came today, and it will come close to getting us thru breakfast. But we still have dinner coming too !!!!!

Fancy Feast is for the old, the sick, the ones who just don’t thrive well. All hospital patients get Fancy Feast, and often the ones in quarantine need it too.

YOU can send food to the cats, or anybody, at
Rikki’s Refuge
10910 Barr Ln
Rapidan VA 22733

They’ll bring it right to our gate !!!!!

Right now the best price we can find is Chewy’s 9-Lives. Last time I checked Amazon was out.

BUT WAIT …. do THIS before you ever shop AMAZON again !!!
Sign up for Amazon Smile and choose LIFE UNLIMITED OF VIRGINIA INC (that’s us!) as your charity of choice. For every purchase you make afterwards, a donation will be sent to Rikki’s (at NO cost to you!). Just another easy way to help the animals of Rikki’s Refuge!
Just click:

Do YOU know what helps us the most? If you sign up for an automatic shipment of cat food from Chewy or Amazon !! Just pick the day of the month or week you’d like to feed some kitties, and send a case or two !!!
Thank YOU !!!

Panda says, “How many pieces of Paws and Claws cat food are in my blue scoop?

There are 678 pieces !! Did YOU come close? And can you guess how many MORE scoops are needed to feed everybody? In addition to the canned food, we eat 80 pounds of dry cat food EVERY DAY !!!!

Fuzzy Wuzzy says, “I don’t trust YOUR count Panda, you only have 9 digits to count on. I’m going to eat each and every one and see if I get 678.”

Say HI to Ash, one of the kitties in our Feluk House. Can you guess how many feluk kitties share that house?

There are 21 kitties in Ash’s house. And they’re all happy and healthy even though they have the feline leukemia virus. It is contagious thru contact to other kitties (but only kitties), so they have their own house!! Their health can be more fragile, so they get vitamin C and L-Lysine and probiotics in their food every day to help keep them healthy. Many will live to die from old age, others may have organ failures or succumb from weaken immune systems. But all are very happy to be alive and to be loved during their natural lives !!!

Can YOU guess Goliath’s favorite snack?

I’ll give YOU a clue! It’s not your regular kitty food!!

Give up? It’s the lunch you forget to take out your car!!! Nobody eats alone at Rikki’s Refuge. Some days, there’s nothing left for the hoomans !!!

This is Ben, can YOU guess what makes him differently abled?

Don’t see anything? Want a clue? He just might not hear YOU when you walk in he Life Center for a visit. That’s because he’s deaf.

But somehow or other, he can hear a potato chip bag being opened from anywhere in the house

and that brings him running quick for a snack !!!

How many different species of animals are you likely to see hanging out together at Rikki’s Refuge ? Even I can’t answer that one !! They’re always mixing and mingling !!!

Everybody is HAPPY at Rikki’s Refuge.

With YOUR help we can save and provide life long homes to well over 1,000 animals each and every day !!!!

Thank YOU for making it all possible.

January 3, 2021 Sunday at Rikki’s Refuge

January 3, 2021 Sunday at Rikki’s Refuge
all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals.
(you can help support those animals at )

Sunrise …. I know some folks who say they’ve never seen one !!! At Rikki’s it means it’s getting light enough to work without your headlamp !!!

How do we decide who lives in a house and who lives in a barn?

We don’t. When ever possible (for their safety, the safety of others, and their health) we let them decide. Some kitties have always lived in barns and hat the thought of indoor confinement. Others have never been outside and the though of cold or wet of muddy paws is horrifying.   Some kitties are totally free range cus they come for breakfast and dinner and we can catch them if they have medical needs. Others have aviary like outdoor areas to play in and stay protected. And others stay strictly indoors. Though every indoor area has a kitty door to a day room which is protected outdoor space to get fresh air and play in the grass.

Our goal at Rikki’s is to give each critter the home they find the most ideal.

Just like some of us want to live in the country in no more than a shack but surrounded by nature, trees, looking up at the stars at night. And others want all the comforts and conveniences of city life on the 104th floor of a condo. Each find the other’s life horrifying. And so it is with non-hooman animals too !!!

Why do selfies at Rikki’s always have an animal in them too? Well …. if you work at Rikki’s you are always surrounded and often covered in animals !!!!

Why is it less painful to work at Rikki’s in the winter? Cus you’re wearing more padding. In a snow suit, it feels great when they sink the claws in and climb up to your shoulders. In summer pants, not so much. With a heavy jacket on, the claws that are sunk in to hang on are no problem. In a tshirt, OUCH !!!!

Fuzzy Wuzzy climbs round for her morning smooch.

Then settles in for a ride on the head. See the claws digging into the hat to hold on? In summer, there is no hat!!!   I once had a medical practitioner express concern about the little white “sunspots” on my shoulders and suggest I get checked by a dermatologist for skin cancer. Some of them were even raw or scabbed over! I burst out laughing and said that’s not cancer, that’s scars from all the cats who’ve ridden on my shoulders for years!!!   They next suggested I get checked out at the loony bin ……….       Some people just don’t get it !!!

Is that a Loch Ness Horse ?


Oink oink …….

Maaaaaa ……   the goats are always the mischievous ones !!!   If anyone can figure out how to get out of a fence, you can count on a goat !!!   The ones who promise not to roam off property, or far off into the woods, are granted free range. Those who need a fence for their protection, are encouraged to stay in them !!!

Coooooo Coooooo the singing of the pigeons and doves is so beautiful. They sing at sunrise and sunset.

 Pigeons? Do you go catch them in the city? No, they were generally homing pigeons or carrier pigeons or race pigeons.   People keep them for competitions. How far away can you drive your pigeon and it still find it’s way home? That doesn’t sound so nice, does it? Some never do find their way home. Some go to other homes asking for help. They usually get turned into the pound. Most have bands on their ankles so the owners can be contacted. Few want a pigeon back who got lost, after all, they lost.

Pigeons are also released at events and supposed to go home. Some people consider it good luck to release them at weddings. Wonder if anyone ever did the stats on that? How do marriages fair when the pigeon fails to find it’s way home?   These often end up on someone’s deck looking for food. They’ve never known non-captive life and have no idea how to find their own food. Take the wild out of an animal, and you have an animals that is dependant on humans for survival.

That is where Rikki’s comes in. An animal who’s dependant on humans, and no human wanting to be responsible for that animal for one reason or another. We will take care of them for life. And we don’t ask for any kind of performance out of them. We love them, just because they are who they are. Unconditional love.

Roosters? Why so many roosters?

Did you know that most roosters are killed shortly after hatching? Yup, nobody wants them. They sing so wonderfully. At sunrise, sunset, all day and all night. Anything catches their interest and they sing out that coooocckkkkkaaaaadooooodllllllldoooooo over and over …. they notice a new star, an airplane overhead ….   Lots of people don’t love hearing their voice at all hours. People want hens for eggs. Roosters have no purpose.

In most industries they aren’t even worth keeping alive till they’re big enough to eat. Not that we at Rikki’s think that is an appropriate thing to do with any animal. Egg layers have been breed to be egg layers and urn them out faster than a natural chicken would. And “broilers” and others have been breed to have giant chests (everybody wants a chicken breast right? But no silicone!) or huge thighs, for people to eat. Ugghhhh …..

You can learn more here if you wish:


Ducks and Geese? How do they end up at Rikki’s?   Geese are noisy by some people’s standards. At Rikki’s we think their honking and talking is all a wonderful part of nature. And if they out talk the humans … oh well … they usually have more interesting things to say anyway !!!!   But their worse offense that makes people want rid of them? They poop. As if the people dumping them didn’t !!!   They sit around on your porch, they poop. They poop where they are. Not all animals have the sensory input to know when it’s coming and manage it. For some, when it’s time, well it’s just time and drops out. How can we blame them for the way God made them? So we get out the hose and clean up instead !!! That’s what hoomans are for !!! 

And peacocks? Yup, people think they are pretty. But gosh do they SCREAM. And that is how they talk. And they tend to wonder too. We’ve woken up to find a new peacock or two at our breakfast buffet. They usually stay. No idea where they come from. And never hear a report of a lost peacock either.

Their screams are very different for different things. The scream of a male to his woman sounds like HEEEEELPPPP in a very high pitched sound. When our first pair of peacocks hadn’t been with us long, I was in the shower one day, all alone at Rikki’s. I hear HEEEEELPPPP HEEEEELPPPP HEEEEELPPPP. I grabbed a towel, shampoo in my hair, and ran out. Nobody around. All silent. I went back to the shower.   HEEEEELPPPP HEEEEELPPPP HEEEEELPPPP.  Once again nobody answers me when I call, where are you, who’s here?

Sitting on the porch after getting the soap out of my eyes, I hear HEEEEELPPPP HEEEEELPPPP HEEEEELPPPP again. Mr Peacock was on the roof calling to Mrs Peacock on the ground. Finally she listened and joined him on the roof. If you live at Rikki’s, you know what the sounds are for “come here”, “I want food”, “I found food”, “I’m going to beat you up”, cus they are territorial !!!

We all know the stories of dogs and cats and why people “get rid of them”. Adorable big black puppy grows into an untrained, jump all over you, big black dog who’s lost his puppy cuteness.   At Rikki’s we think they are adorable al their lives. We especially love our old grey seniors !!!

And the hounds. If they are good for hunting, they lose their homes real quick. At Rikki’s we let you be YOU and don’t ask you to do our bidding or get booted.

And so everyone lives happily ever after at Rikki’s

With YOUR help we can save and provide life long homes to well over 1,000 animals each and every day !!!!

Thank YOU for making it all possible.

January 2, 2021 Saturday at Rikki’s Refuge

January 2, 2021 Saturday at Rikki’s Refuge
all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals

(you can help support those animals at )

Misty morning …. everything flooded from yesterday’s rain …. temps went up steadily …. beautifully sunny wonderful afternoon ……

Breakfast at the Life Center

I love the multi-species friendships at Rikki’s Refuge !!! The emus and pigs have always been friends. We built Emu Estates next door to Piggy Paradise. Separated with a six foot fence. And the emus jumped over into Piggy Paradise. We caught them and walked them back around to Emu Estates. The next morning they were in Piggy Paradise. We caught them and walked them back around to Emu Estates. The next morning they were in Piggy Paradise. We caught them and walked them back around to Emu Estates. The next morning they were in Piggy Paradise. THEN the light bulb went on !!! They WANTED to live together, they got along, they liked each other !!! OK …. and so the areas merged into one !!

Sharing a snack of trail mix with Turkeys …. you NEVER eat along at Rikki’s !!!

Piggies love nothing better than mud …. except food … food …. yes … food is NUMBER ONE !!! But mud is a close follow up !!!!

Cats and goats and peacocks !!! Everybody hangs out together at Rikki’s !!

Nobody but trained working folk are allowed to drive any kind of vehicle on the refuge. Animals of all sorts are always drawn to them. Someone not checking every possible snoozing spot before starting or moving a vehicle could … well ….. that’s why only our working vehicles are allowed on the property and everyone is trained on critter detection.



Smoky Joe,

and Grumpy are just a few of the nearly 600 cats who live with us.

Grumpy is so tired he’s falling asleep on his feet !!!! But he’ll perk up quick when dinner comes !!!


Free Range Buffet !!!

Piggy Bed Time …. they love to snuggle and pile up together. The colder it is the tighter the bunch is, even sleeping two or three layers deep!!! In warm weather they spread out.

… and the sun goes down. But that doesn’t mean it’s the end of the day for the hoomans. It’s just time to don the headlamps and keep on working …. with almost 1,300 animals, it’s not a full day’s work …. it’s a full life’s commitment.

With YOUR help we can save and provide life long homes to well over 1,000 animals each and every day !!!!

Thank YOU for making it all possible.

January 1, 2021 Friday  New Year’s Day at Rikki’s Refuge
all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals

(you can help support those animals at )

Started out nice ….  but turned to just above freezing drizzle towards evening …..
Everyone took advantage of as much sun as they could.

Yes, horses will sleep lying down !!!!

Goliath the Siamese kitty loves to hop a ride and snooze while the hoomans are working around the farm.

White turkeys are bread to make the skin look cleaner when the feathers are pulled out.  Ugghh.  We never pull our turkey’s feathers out.  They get to live long and natural lives with us.

Sunbathing on the dash is a favorite when supervising humans delivering food to all the stations.

Cows tussle and play fight for fun, or over minor cow issues.

Betty the calico hijacks a basket of laundry to make a soft spot in the sun.

Shady areas started a little icy this morning, lovely mid day, then cold rainy evening.

Somebody always has to play King of the Mountain on top of a hay bale.

Thank you for donations !!!!  There’s a lot of mouths to feed around here.  And just as many other ends to clean up after !!!

Rikki’s Refuge No-Kill Life-Care Multi-Species Animal Sanctuary relies on donations from kind and loving individuals, just like YOU !!!!

2009 Honda Rebel CMX250C Raffle!

Rikki’s Refuge is raffling a motorcycle!  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  It’s a BEAUTIFUL blue, 2009 Honda Rebel 250. It would make a great starter bike!  It has 3,450 miles on it.  It was test ridden in the parking lot of our thrift store, Re-Tail, by a motorcycle enthusiast who also happens to be a mechanic. He found nothing wrong with the bike. It runs great!  He did note that the exhaust pipes are after market, and are Jardines.

The bike comes with saddle bags and 2 helmets.

Tickets are only $5 each, or 6 for $25.  The bike can be seen, and tickets purchased, at Re-Tail Resale Shop, 3503 Lafayette Blvd., Fredericksburg, Va., 22408, during store hours (Monday through Saturday 10:00-6:00, and Sundays Noon – 5:00).

The drawing will be held at 12:00 noon on July 4, 2014. The winner does not need to be present to win.


To see the bike in action, check out the links below!

Honda Rebel

Honda Rebel start up      

This one shows that all of the lights work:

Honda Rebel lights

The winner of the raffle will be responsible for taxes, tags, registration, and inspection of the motorcycle.


Re-Tail is NOW OPEN!!!!

Come and see what is going on in the new Re-Tail Resale and Thrift store!  It’s now open!  Filled with donated items from people like YOU, the store has something for everyone!  Our “library” is like shopping in a book store — everything is sorted by fiction, non-fiction, cookbooks, and then sorted alphabetically. So, it’s easy to find the author or title that you’ve been looking for!  We have antiques, glassware, sporting equipment, office equipment, kitchen cabinets, puzzles, children’s toys, framed art, and lots and lots of clothing! Re-Tail libraryRe-Tail1Re-Tail2


We are open from 10:00 until 6:00 Monday through Saturday, and Noon until 5:00 on Sunday.

We accept donations (at the back door, please!) daily until 2:00.  All donations are tax deductible!

So come and see us, and come often!  The selection changes daily!  (Hourly, really, but I don’t expect people to come in and shop every hour….although it would be nice for the animals who benefit from your sales….)

And be sure to like us on Facebook!

Coming Soon to Fredericksburg, Virginia: Re-Tail, a Pawsome Resale store!

Re-Tail sign    Re-Tail awning sign

Re-Tail, a thrift and resale store, opened in early January! It is located at 3503 Lafayette Blvd., Fredericksburg, Va., 22408.   Monies raised will help support the animals of Rikki’s Refuge, as well as other animal groups in our area!

Volunteers are always needed!  We need plenty of people to help keep the store running, so this is a perfect opportunity to help the animals in our community!  If you know a little something about clothes, crafts, books, glassware, china, antiques, etc., then we would love to have you on board! Just fill out this contact form, and we’ll get in touch with you soon! [contact-form subject='[Rikki%26#039;s Refuge Animal Sanctuary’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

If you prefer to call, our number is 540-891-5300.  Just leave a message on the recorder, and we will get back to you just as soon as we can!

We would love to have your gently used items to sell! Sorry, but we cannot accept mattresses, boxsprings, car seats, infant furniture, or any fabric items that are stained.

All donations are tax deductible, and we will gladly give you a receipt!