Category Archives: Uncategorized

February 13, 2021 Saturday at Rikki’s Refuge

February 13, 2021 Saturday at Rikki’s Refuge

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

What a miserable day !!! Light misty sleet coming down. Temps a little above freezing in the middle of the day. Ice building up. Dripping off trees, roofs, icicles.

Icicles growing to 3 feet long !

Some of us opting to stay inside and dry

Others not phased by a little ice at all

And some of us are delighting at the icy muddy wasteland it’s become around here !

By 2 pm ever thing had at least a quarter inch coating of ice

Clarence says his hands are red and numb, but no matter what, the hoomans at Rikki’s keep right on doing the tasks the animals need them too. WHY? Because they truly love their charges and want them to be well fed and comfortable and happy.

Ol Man pulled the straw a Quality Control Officer today

checking off that every bucket of food going to be carried to every area is properly topped off. Everything will be hand carried today because with the ice and snow, it’s far too slippery to drive. Each load will be less than a person’s maximum carrying capacity too because they have to be so careful to avoid falling on the ice and mud. Quite frankly, it’s utterly miserable out here !!!

Our kitties are currently eating about 90 pounds of dry cat food a day. In addition to the hundreds of cans of food. The colder it is, the less they can absorb solar energy, the less they’re out running around, the more they need to metabolize to keep warm. Our average is about 80 pounds a day.

That means we need between two and three of these bags of food EVERY DAY. The very cheapest place we know to buy dry cat food right now is Tractor Supply’s Multi Cat. Right now it’s $18.99 for 44 pounds. You can buy the cats a bag or two at
for pick up. Be sure to pick Orange, VA as the pick up location and list the pick up person as Rikki’s Refuge, and then us know the order number, what you ordered (cus you can get the bigger animals cracked corn and sweet feed and senior horse chow too) and the name you ordered it under. Please pass this into on to me at and I’ll get right over to Tractor Supply to pick up. They won’t call us when an order is ready, so I need to know from you !!! Thank you !!

As the sun starts down …. few animals are still about … the hoomans will be working well into the night, while most of the animals will stay in and dry and out of this miserable weather.

May we see the sun again someday !!

Because YOU care there is a place called Rikki’s Refuge !
Because YOU donate the 1200+ residents will be well fed again tomorrow !!
Rikki’s Refuge, 10910 Barr Ln, Rapidan VA 22733 (shipping address for food, etc)
Rikki’s Refuge, PO Box 1357, Orange VA 22960 (secure box for checks, etc)


February 12, 2021 Friday at Rikki’s Refuge

February 12, 2021 Friday at Rikki’s Refuge

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

Twas the dawn after an ice storm on top of a snow storm, a bitterly cold morning …. not a creature was stirring ….

One by one the animals began to venture forth

Beauty reports for duty

Clinton comes out to say good morning …. but doesn’t stay long

Vampire Kitty braves coming out

The sundeck isn’t working this morning

Calling the goose parade to formation

Who’s YOUR favorite Refuge ever? It is Rikki’s Refuge, right? And we NEED your support in the Endless Love Shelter Challenge. Up for grabs is more than $43,000 in prizes! And it costs YOU nothing !!! FREE !!! All YOU have to do, is go to
and vote for Rikki’s Refuge EVERY DAY. You’re allowed ONE vote a day. Make sure to vote every day AND ASK YOUR FRIENDS to vote and increase your impact for Rikki’s Refuge!

Thank goodness enough donations arrived for everyone to have a hearty breakfast

Hang on !!! More is coming !!! I can only carry two platters at a time !!!!


Playing in the Snow after breakfast

Don’t go away !! There’s a lot more to feed than cats and dogs …..

As it warmed to just a few degrees above freezing for the high of the day, the ice and snow began to melt. Our puddle loving, mud loving friends were ecstatic !

Will you be Patrick’s Valenswine this weekend? He’d love a bag or two of sweet feed!

Each bag is $11.50. If you can help, you can order it directly from the Orange-Madison Coop here in Orange, VA and we will pick it up (phone number 540-672-2977 and press “0”)! Does it get any easier than that??
Your money goes directly to getting us the product and no fees are taken out!! Can you help??? WILL YOU BE PATRICK’S VALENSWINE??
**Orange-Madison Co-op (Southern States) 540-672-2977 and press “0”
**Email with any questions:

Hooves crossed this “red sky at night” will pan out for tomorrow !

Despite the chill, it was another heartwarming day at Rikki’s Refuge

Thank YOU for giving them a place to call HOME !
Rikki’s Refuge, 10910 Barr Ln, Rapidan VA 22733 (shipping address for food, etc)
Rikki’s Refuge, PO Box 1357, Orange VA 22960 (secure box for checks, etc)


February 11, 2021 Thursday at Rikki’s Refuge in Memory of Deloris Quick

February 11, 2021 Thursday at Rikki’s Refuge in Memory of Deloris Quick


All in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

I have some very sad news. The animals have lost a wonderful friend. We are all so saddened to hear of the passing of Deloris Quick. What a loss to the world of a wonderful advocate for animals and a genuinely kind and compassionate human being. Deloris was the kind of person who never had an ill world about anyone, ever. She always helped anyone in need, and put her love of animals to practice everyday.

Deloris and Kiki

She was a devoted volunteer to Rikki’s Refuge for 20 years, serving on our Board of Directors for many of those. She lifted spirits of humans and animals alike, when she visited. The kind of wonderful friend you could always count on. She never met an animals she didn’t love.

Deloris and Bandit

Deloris shared her home with dogs and cats and the love of her life, Mike, who she was deeply devoted to. She helped Rikki’s Refuge and other organizations care for animals.

Deloris and Vincent

Deloris joined other volunteers of Rikki’s Refuge last summer in the successful effort to save our thrift store Re-Tail when reopening after the closure for covid.

Deloris and Gracie

She was very active in TNR and fed several feral colonies. She often helped homeless people and their pets.

Deloris and Cindy

Deloris saw no boundaries in helping anywhere she could and certainly leaves the world a better place for having been here. She leaves all of us better human beings for having known her and seeing true kindness and compassion in action.

Boss Hogette with Deloris and a group of Rikkites

You are deeply missed, Deloris, and welcomed by so many friends at the Rainbow Bridge.
Deloris Quick Memorial Fund For Animals )

I’m sure the Rainbow Bridge looked something like this

It was another wet and dreary day at Rikki’s Refuge

No BUTTS about it — I drug MY house to the BEST location!

NO! We win!! It took four of us to get out house over to this prime location !!

Loving this wonderful wet winter weather !

And the snow starts ….. again …

Stayin in – stayin dry – stayin warm

sending the hoomans out to take care of every one !!

5:30 pm, still snowing but not accumulating, hovering right around the freezing point.

What will the night bring ?

In the end, what truly matters is who’ll be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.

Thank YOU for making a difference to their lives.
Rikki’s Refuge, 10910 Barr Ln, Rapidan VA 22733 (shipping address for food, etc)
Rikki’s Refuge, PO Box 1357, Orange VA 22960 (secure box for checks, etc)


February 10, 2021 Wednesday at Rikki’s Refuge

February 10, 2021 Wednesday at Rikki’s Refuge

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

Dreary over cast day with a forecast of snow starting in the afternoon and going on and on for days.

Freckles says we’ll make the best of, a wet winter means great grass coming in the spring !

Oh Gross !! Let me out here !! I’m not about to eat THAT !

These are heritage breed turkeys. They’re much more like wild turkeys than factory turkeys.

These are factory turkeys, breed to be all white, grow faster, and have larger parts in the areas people find more tasty. These things all affect their healthy in bad ways.

Interestingly, the two groups of turkeys have nothing to do with each other, acting like they aren’t even the same species.

They will share a meal. Never any conflict. Just totally ignoring each other.

Uh Oh, look who was naughty !!!!

Most of our repair jobs are created by our residents. We just smile, get them safe, and fix it !!

Boys will be boys and compete for the girls !! The peacock and turkey boys compare their spreads. None of the girls pay attention at all !!

Donations are light today.

We’ll pray for a miracle that tomorrow will somehow bring enough for everyone. That’s about a 1/3 of the grain we’ll need for the day. And only 120 cans of cat food. It takes 240 just to feed the houses in Feline Fields. The kitties in all the other buildings like to eat too. As a matter of fact, they demand it !!

Smacks strolls along full of confidence that YOU will see he has all the nums he wants to eat !!

As the snow clouds rolled in the Peacocks took to the high places to sounds the alarm of bad weather coming.

Have you noticed how hardly a picture is ever missing geese? They make rounds of the grounds all day long.

Circling the May Pole hoping spring will hurry up

Without fail, the muddiest corner !!

The sleet started about 2:30 in the afternoon

It wasn’t long before the ground was getting covered

Then the sleet stopped

Before dark the rain started

Will it freeze up overnight, or not ……. The crew that stays on duty all night will keep checking to see if the animals need anything.

Every one of the 1200+ animals at Rikki’s Refuge

is grateful for YOUR kindness and generosity !
They have a home all because of YOU !!
Rikki’s Refuge, 10910 Barr Ln, Rapidan VA 22733 (shipping address for food, etc)
Rikki’s Refuge, PO Box 1357, Orange VA 22960 (secure box for checks, etc)


February 9, 2021 Tuesday at Rikki’s Refuge

February 9, 2021 Tuesday at Rikki’s Refuge

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

Is there any creature that is ever happier than a pig in mud !!!

Do you have any idea how much time we spend dragging their houses OUT of the mud !!!! And they drag them right back in !!

Rain, melting snow, more rain, more melting snow and we’re up to our knees in mud.

To the absolute delight of the geese and ducks – puddles everywhere.
Now you see me!

Now you don’t !!!

Diving for nummies ….
Happy Duckies

The geese roam far and wide, sampling every puddle on the property !!

Hi there !!!

I’m Timmy, the Official Spokes Kitty for Rikki’s Refuge. I work very hard to make sure everybody has nums and everybody has a clean warm bed. I was worried about getting lost in all the snow we’ve been having lately, so mom tied a red scarf around my tail so she can always find me and keep me safe !!!

And guess what? I need more nice hoomans to help take care of me!
Do you enjoy reading about the animals at Rikki’s Refuge? Do you dream of being one of my team and being here to help?

Now YOU can !!!

Join the TEAM at Rikki’s Refuge Animal Sanctuary!
We need your PASSION and COMMITMENT to the animals!

We need FULL-TIME STAFF to take on the daily care for our resident animals, both farm and domestic. If you are not afraid of hard work, we would love to meet you! The work is labor intensive and must be done in all seasons and all weather conditions. We are looking for friendly, even-tempered staff members who are able to follow directions and work well with others.

There is a lot of cleaning to be done (most of it in outside conditions) and food to be prepared and sanctuary maintenance of fields and buildings and everything in between. Your day will be busy from start to finish but we also need you to be flexible as these are animals, many of them with special needs, and they are at all times the priority.

The work is hard, but the rewards are great. PLEASE email for more information (OR just come to see us on Saturdays PROMPTLY AT NOON). We have on-site interviews EVERY SATURDAY at noon (you must be PROMPT) at our Life Center, 21410 Constitution Hwy, Rapidan, VA (look for the brightly colored rainbow fence – you can’t miss us)!

I hope you’ll come by Saturday to talk to us !!!! And if you don’t need a job, how about come by for DONATION DROP OFF on one Saturday, either at Rikki’s Refuge’s Life Center, or at our store Re-Tail !!

Really hoping they’ll be more when this food runs out

Turkeys talking to Clinton

My what fine aura Grizzly has today !!

Notice the outdoor furniture, playhouse and such? They’re Little Tyke outdoor play things for kids. And they are ideal for cats. Very difficult to destruct. Easy to powerwash. Very durable. When ever you see them at yard sales or thrift stores or on marketplace cheap, grab them up for the cats of Rikki’s Refuge !!!

Meet Venus

She was abandoned, and left taped shut in a box. Luckily someone found her and saved her life. She was FIV positive when vetted and so came to live happily after at Rikki’s.

Did you know that FIV doesn’t affect the life of the cat with it? And it doesn’t spread once they aren’t viciously fighting over the girls and mating. FIV cats will live good happy long lives. Just as long as cats who don’t test positive for FIV !!!! Yet the myth of problems with FIV persist and so many cats are not wanted simply because of a little blue dot on a test.

See Venus’ eyes? That has nothing to do with FIV. She was just born especially beautiful. Her eyes are technically known as heterochromia iridis or differently colored irises. It’s a genetic condition carried by the same gene that makes cats white. And that’s why you so often see it in white cats.

Meet JJ. He and Momma were breeding away at a vacant house. We worked on trapping the whole family. He was the hardest and last to get. They’d all been sick. But he was especially bad and had a horrible eye infection too. Too sick to undergo surgery, we treated him for his respiratory illness and the eye infection. Luckily the eye healed as JJ get better and feistier!! The eye did stay a cloudy bluish color and he has little if any vision there. But it doesn’t bother him one little bit, and that’s what counts.

A cat and his rooster

EXCUSE ME ! THIS sundeck is occupied!

Magnificent !!!

Especially that colorful tail !!! It took years of toiling in our cross breeding program to create a cat with a peacock tail !! (ps. Just kidding, the peacock is really just sitting on the other side of the kitty. No breeding permitted at Rikki’s!)

Still light at 5:30 pm these day !!! Spring is coming !!! We can now work outside at 6:45 am without our headlamps on !!

Every one of the 1200+ animals at Rikki’s Refuge

is loved for who they are and get all the love, food and medical care they need
all because of YOUR support !!
Rikki’s Refuge, 10910 Barr Ln, Rapidan VA 22733 (shipping address for food, etc)
Rikki’s Refuge, PO Box 1357, Orange VA 22960 (secure box for checks, etc)


February 8, 2021 Monday at Rikki’s Refuge

February 8, 2021 Monday at Rikki’s Refuge

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

Today it’s all about cats !!!


Clarence was the only one who had time for pictures and he spent most the day working with kitties. Lucky guy !!!! And he loves his kitty charges !!! And they love him!

Garfield shows off his prowess at climbing tall trees

and leaping to rooftops in a single bound!

Cold this morning, but the sun is out beautifully! Look at this cool ice pattern.

Colleen the Calico looks up to her hoomans with love

Alfred’s soaking up some morning sun

Little Buddy wants a nose kiss

That’s Smurf in the background, a very old mama kitty who’s living out her retirement years here after delivering may many litters behind a restaurant at a truck stop. Now her life is happy and carefree. She loves being out when the sun is shining.

Bagheera howls, BRING ON THE NUMS !!!

Tonya the tabby cooly watches the morning goings on

Waldo, Clarence’s shadow, being Waldo

Mouky patiently waiting for the platters of nums to be laid out

Help Mouky and his friends to always have enough for breakfast and dinner. Any brand of cat food makes them happy. Amazon and Chewy often have special deals on canned cat food. The kitties rejoice everyday when the box bringing hoomans come to the gates delivering pressies !!!!

YOU can make their day !!
Rikki’s Refuge
10910 Barr Ln
Rapidan VA 22733

or )
and we’ll do the shopping for YOU !!!

The protected outdoor space of the cat houses.

A lot of study into the play habits of our felines went into the design of the cat runs. How big should they be? What will materials cost? How will our volunteers build them? And most importantly of all, what do the cats want? How long a run do cats need to get up to top speed in games of chase? How wide is the turning radius of a cat galloping at full speed? How high does a cat typically climb when leaping on a pole at a full gallop? All that and MORE.

We set up temporary area after temporary area, experimenting with all kinds of dimensions. We hired (for food) several cats to help us with the study and let them test and play and climb in each design. The ultimate plan of 100’ long, enough to get up a good gallop and about as much as they usually run full speed ahead when playing, 20’ wide, enough turning radius so they can do laps if they’re in an intense game of chase, and 12’ high cus most tapered out around 10’ so 12’ gave us room to add perches at the top !!!

And I bet you thought we just threw up 4x4s and fencing !!!

Ol Man has lived with quite a while, despite being elderly when he came.

We sure hope he’s with us many more years!!! We love our super seniors !!

Scotch is following around on morning rounds today

Manilla Gorilla is a little shy and follows at a distance.

There’s always a wait at the porta potty !!

Night night !!!

Everybody loves their life and home at Rikki’s Refuge

where we care for over 1200 animals each and every day
because YOUR help made it all possible !!


February 7, 2021 Sunday at Rikki’s Refuge

February 7, 2021 Sunday at Rikki’s Refuge

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

The day started gloomy with heavy snow clouds and the snow coming down. Mid day the snow stopped. It rained. The sun came out. The clouds cleared. And it ended an amazingly beautiful day !!! All in a matter of hours !!

All that snow may make for beautiful scenery. But it sure makes for a lot more work and makes all the work just that much harder.

It’s not cold enough to solidly freeze over. But cold enough that the slush builds up and must be removed from every water bowl and trough in every animals area all across our 450 acres.

If the ground was frozen hard, we could drive from one field to the next. But with the up and down temps we’ve been having, it’s mud below the snow and first 1/4” of frozen ground.

Even the 4 wheel trucks can’t get thru this. They just slip and spin wheels. So the hundreds and hundreds of pounds of food, must be carted on shoulders, or drug thru the snow in carts.

While those we serve sit by and watch the hoomans work.

The sheep have such thick wool they don’t even notice the snow piling up on top of them!!! It’s like us hoomans who have it piling up on our hats and coats too !!!! We’re adequately dressed. So are the sheep. And they don’t even have to buy winter clothes !!!

Why is Feline Fields so beautiful? Cus Ron cares !!! And he comes out and paints !!

We NEED YOU to come and help us with tasks like painting and fixing up. Many years Doggy Downs was beautiful too. Not it’s faded and leaning and in dire need of fix up and paint. The roof of the 9th Life Center has peeling paint.

There just aren’t enough of us to do it all. And caring for the animals must come first. Please come out and volunteer !!!! Message me at to get started !!!

See the aviary type roof on Cat House #1? Many of our houses have protected outdoor play space like this. It keeps the resident in so they don’t get lost or harmed, and keeps predators out.

And they collect ice and snow. A light fluffy snow will fall thru. But freezing rain will stick, and then make the snow stick, and soon it can cover the roofs in a full blanket of ice and snow.

And ice and snow are heavy. Amazingly heavy. And roofs will collapse under that weight.

So when ice or snow are coming down, hoomans must stay alert and on duty, no matter the time of day or night, and constantly keep checking every roof. They have to climb up and clean them off if they start to sage dangerously. And when it’s ice – that is a HARD job. It can take everyone working on roofs all night to protect our animal friends.

Batman says, LET ME BACK IN !!!

He can’t figure out why the sundeck isn’t sunny, why isn’t this snooooo gone? He checked it out 3 minutes ago and it was just like this. He’ll want to check it out again …. 3 minutes after he goes back inside.

For lots of the animals, it’s out and in, out and in, out and in, all day long ….. till it really starts to melt and the sun come out !!!!

Even Beauty won’t do rounds today, the snow is just too wet all mixed with freezing rain.

And some of the residents refuse to even come in for breakfast !

So breakfast is delivered to them.

Not a pig in sight here

The snow stops … the rains stops … the sky begins to clear …. the sun starts to peek thru !!!!

Happy animals now venture forth !

First one emu

then two

One cat remains hesitant, peeking out of the wind tunnel

Every room of the 9th Life Retirement, Assisted Living and Psychiatric Center has a kitty door out to the day rooms, outdoor protected space.

When we first put them in ohhhh that north wind would blow right in at night, sometimes making the kitty doors stand straight out and chilling all of us to the bone. So a genius built wind tunnels. Now the cats have to take a couple turns and twists to get outside. But it’s stopped the wind from coming in!!!

YOU too could be a Rikki’s Refuge Genius !!! Just volunteer to help us out !!!!

Got a power washer? The north side of the 9th Life Retirement, Assisted Living and Psychiatric Center really needs one!

Like to brush pig teeth and tusks?

Our people just never seem to get around to it. Leaving it for the vet to do when he sedates piggies for nail and tusk trims. They say something about old so and so who lost those fingers trying once …..

YES !!! It’s melting into puddles ….

OH YES !!!! Everyone is getting happier as it warms and the sun shines !!!!

Ohhhh it feels good — sitting in the sun sharing a bale of hay with a friend !!!

Wishing there had been enough rain and snow to floor their house …..

Happy as can be

Always happy when there’s a dry spot and warm sunbeam !!

No matter what, no matter the weather, at Rikki’s Refuge

we care for our 1200+ animal residents every minute of every day !!

Thank YOU for making it all possible.

February 6, 2021 Saturday at Rikki’s Refuge – National Play Monopoly Day

February 6, 2021 Saturday at Rikki’s Refuge – National Play Monopoly Day

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

100 of the 5.5 oz cans of cat food are opened just to feed the cat runs at Feline Fields breakfast.

Then the Free Rangers will get fed, and the cats in the 9th Life Retirement, Assisted Living and Psychiatric Building will be fed. And those in the hospital. And the cats at the Life Center. And the cats in the three Office Buildings. And then any stragglers who don’t want to come out of their barns or other hidey places.

Thank you for sending cat food so we never run out !!
Rikki’s Refuge
10910 Barr Ln
Rapidan VA 22733

Any brand, any size, any number of cans. We just need YOUR help !!

Panda prays more food arrives soon

Mouky says he knows what starving feels like
and he’s glad YOU’ll never let that happen to him here.

Morning chores all done

Doug makes the rounds checking all the animals areas

for anything else they may need this morning.

And all looks good and sound

so Doug stops in the office to check his calendar

And see it’s National Play Monopoly Day and Take Your Child To The Library Day

With a grin he grabs a few things from the office and heads out.
First stop – Capri Corners for a game of Monopoly !

Well not much interest there … moving on
Baaaahhh what you got there?

I’ll bite !!!

HEY YOU !!! NO FAIR !!! You don’t win if you eat the game !!

Next he headed to Horsey Haven to have a game with our Prince while the sheep looked on

Batman had a great idea

and called Buza over for Cats vs Dogs game of Monopoly

in which the cats thoroughly trounced the dogs. I think Doug helped the cats win.

Enough Monopoly for today, let’s take the kids to the library now!
But when Doug got there with the car full of cats, they locked the doors and said, “here, takes these books home and read to your kids there.”

And so … back at the Life Center
Crybaby loves sitting on Doug’s lap and hearing stories of her kind.

When it was Riley’s turn, she said, “just drop that book right here, and there will be no blood.”

…. Doug promptly complied. Everybody listens to Riley. Blood stains are such a mess to clean up.

A pair of kneeling goats

And everyone lived happily ever after at Rikki’s Refuge

where we care for over 1200 animals every single day !!

Thank YOU for making it all possible.

February 1, 2021 Monday at Rikki’s Refuge

February 1, 2021 Monday at Rikki’s Refuge

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

Brrr cold and miserable morning

but a few residents have opted to venture out already …

WOW Weeeee !!!!!!

Look who made it in for their weekly visit !!!!! You have no idea how much we appreciate the little things in life, like the porta potty getting cleaned out. And let me tell you, K&S is the BEST!!! These people are so so so reliable and so so so nice !!! And they love our animals. Need a potty? Call K&S. They got our potty contract cus many winters ago, the other porta potty company refused to come out for weeks at a time. And you can imagine how disgusting that is. We’d never leave out cats with dirty boxes for weeks at a time, even days at a time. At least they can poop on the floor if we did. We had to hike off into the woods. Thank you K&S for never leaving us to risk poison ivy on the unmentionables !!

ATTENTION! Morning Parade Formation !

Crazy geese!

What kind of loonies march before breakfast ?

Why did the peacock cross the road?

Well look who’s up and ready for some hay !!

Doesn’t Freckles have the most magnificent horns !!

Waldo helps to select breakfast for all the cats.

He lives at Clarence’s feet all day, helping with all the chores.
And gets rewarded with the first bite !!

Are we going to go out THERE now?

Waldo can’t get comfortable on the snow. He sure doesn’t want to sit down in it !!!

Did you know Rikki’s Refuge’s Life Center at 21410 Constitution Hwy, Rapidan, VA will NOW be open EVERY Saturday from noon to 3 pm for Donation Drop Off !!! Please stop by with some cat food !!!
It’s the purple gate at the end of the rainbow fence at the corner of route 20 and Quarterhorse Ln!!!
The gate will be open, come on in, drive up to the Life Center. After dropping off your donations we invite you to walk around a bit in the beautiful fresh country air and visit with some of the larger animals. We’re still not allowed to invite inside, but bring apples and carrots to hand out. Our only “facility” is a porta potty!! But K&S keep it nice and clean for us.

We’ll also have FILL A TRUCK FOR THE ANIMALS every Saturday from noon to 4 pm at our store Re-Tail, 350r Lafayette Blvd, Fredericksburg, VA. There, after putting some cat food in our truck, you can come on in and help shop !!! EVERYTHING we sell is turned into food for the animals !!!! Bring your gently used household items, furniture and clothing to donate too !!!

It’s barely above freezing today, but somehow things are dripping and icicle are forming

Nibbles is bashful when he sees a camera

Do you know who leaves dinosaur tracks around the refuge?

Emus !!!

Smack Greets the hoomans
and then says, WHERE’S MY BREAKFAST ???

Milo says he’s had enough already, if today isn’t warming up and the sun isn’t coming out, he’s going to bed.

And everyone had dinner today at Rikki’s Refuge

because YOU care !!

Thank YOU for making it all possible.

January 31, 2021 Sunday at Rikki’s Refuge – It’s Snowing

January 31, 2021 Sunday at Rikki’s Refuge

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

Everyone went home to check things, get changes of clothing, and supplies to bunk in till the weather clears up, and returned for the night

Hi !!! Did ya come to play wif me?

At 2:19 am the snow starts

All night long, rounds will be made checking on every body

See all the tracks somebody is out and making?

Snow doesn’t stop nature!
Or this silly rooster who wants to sleep on the porch railing and will now be caught and put back in the house.

Every time the patrol comes thru, Beauty gets up to see that all is safe

After a light coating of snow, Lucky decides to take shelter

Back at the life center, one round done, and someone else headed out on the next

Tigger is awed by his first snow !

All night and all day, snow and ice will have to be removed from water bowls and troughs

and they’ll be filled with fresh buckets of water carried from the 7 outdoor spigots across the 100 acres the animals inhabit

Every is happy when dawn finally comes.

Moukey is one of the first cats to venture out in to the snow. He came to us from Egypt several years ago. Poor guy was freezing in our summers after being in a warmer climate. He loves being outside but most of his first winter he’d run out and then right back in. The first time he saw snow he couldn’t figure out what it was !!! But then he decided he liked it. Now he always wants to play in the snow.

We love it !!! It’s just frozen WATER !!!

So quiet, so few critters stirring

Some will come out in the snow, others won’t

Everybody likes to catch snowflakes on their nose !

Opting for a VERY late start to their day !

I came … I saw … and I’m headed right back inside !

Num Nums

I came out …. stepped in this stuff …. and run for cover … How long do I have to stay here till it goes away?

Some like it in, some like it out !

Buzz and Wanda on alert

Clinton is out and about and enjoying it

Do I have to run thru THAT to get back IN the kitty door ?

Some of us LOVE the snow !!!

Some like to be in, looking out … and some

Once upon a time we had no partially white peacocks at Rikki’s Refuge. Then one morning a partially white peacock and peahen showed up for breakfast. This was nearly 20 years ago. Seemed odd. But if you’re hungry, you’re welcome to join our breakfast buffet. Many wild birds do every day. The next day they were gone. But soon they were back, and stayed a few days. Then gone, again. When they next returned, they decided to make Rikki’s Refuge their forever home and are still here today.

See the blanket covering of snow on the roof?

Very pretty. But very dangerous. EWH (evil weather hooman) says sleet and freezing rain is to come. It will pile up on the snow, creating a very heavy covering. And the roof could collapse. So one job we have, all day and all night, is to check all roofs, and sweep clean if necessary.

Is it worth coming out?

Only if you can find a dry spot to hang out …

Oh come on you chickens !!!!

Over here ! I found cover !

Nawww, why did I listen to any of you, not worth being out ….

Peacocks on the roof is a common sight

it gets very comical when the snow starts to melt and slide off the roof and often the peacocks come sliding right off too. They take flight once off the roof. Nobody has ever been hurt playing ride the snow off the roof. They get up and ride the next chunk down!

NOT coming out, YOU can bring me dinner right here !

Do I get a bonus treat today ?

As the sun start to set …. do I see horns on that haystack ?

And everyone went to bed, warm and happy at Rikki’s Refuge
with YOUR help we provide life long homes to well over 1,000 animals each and every day – animals who had nowhere else on earth to go

Thank YOU for making it all possible.