Good Morning Good News – April 17, 2023 Monday at Rikki’s Refuge

it’s all in a day’s work at Rikki’s Refuge …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at

They’re circling round …. waiting for breakfast. Cats can be demanding. Insistent. When they arrive in schools circling round ….. you better hurry up with the mopping and get to feeding. Before they begin feeding on YOU !!!!!

Ahhhhh breakfast at the Life Center !!! Usually the first of Rikki’s critters to be fed. Well before the sun is up and many others are still sleeping.

The Grumpy Kitty Award for this morning goes to Cookie. What’s the matter Cookie? Why are you sulking? OK, Daddy Doug will give you extra snuggles and let you have a can of Fancy Feast all to yourself.

Another beautiful day on the way !!

Doug’s got all the trash loaded up, so he’ll be ready to go when the dump opens up.

Beautiful big horses … they eat a lot …. and I bet you know what else they do a lot !

They say you’ll find gold at the end of the rainbow, but, this is all I find everyday !

Breakfast time for the cats of Feline Fields … and they are gathering …. waiting for someone with thumbs to show up …

Pre-school is out and here’s Madison letting everyone know the way to Rikki’s Refuge, her favorite place in the whole wide world.

This picture isn’t all grass. We’ve got thousands of volunteer pumpkins that come up from where the sheep ate them last year. Now if they wouldn’t eat the vines ….. if they’d just have some patience …. they’d get more pumpkins later this year. Do you think any vines will go uneaten and pumpkins make it to grow big?

Clarence started bush hogging at the Life Center today. It’s a non stop job all spring, summer and fall long. Then in the winter he gets to move snow !

A Canadian goose playing in a rain runoff puddle. Many birds, large and small, stop in for a rest on their migration paths every year. Headed north … headed south …. you’re welcome to drop in for a visit …. and a meal you snitch from our critters !!

8:16 pm and the day is coming to an end. This was such a beautiful day from start to finish! Thank you universe for smiling on Rikki’s !!

Everyone lives happily ever after at Rikki’s Refuge !!
With YOUR help we can provide life long homes to well over 1,000 animals each & every day !!!!
Rikki’s Refuge, 10910 Barr Ln, Rapidan VA 22733 (shipping address for food, etc)
Rikki’s Refuge, PO Box 1357, Orange VA 22960 (secure box for checks, etc)

YOU are our family !!! Your kind and generous donations make it all possible !!
Thank you for tuning in this morning!!