January 1, 2021 Friday  New Year’s Day at Rikki’s Refuge
all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals

(you can help support those animals at www.RikkisRefuge.org/Donate )

Started out nice ….  but turned to just above freezing drizzle towards evening …..
Everyone took advantage of as much sun as they could.

Yes, horses will sleep lying down !!!!

Goliath the Siamese kitty loves to hop a ride and snooze while the hoomans are working around the farm.

White turkeys are bread to make the skin look cleaner when the feathers are pulled out.  Ugghh.  We never pull our turkey’s feathers out.  They get to live long and natural lives with us.

Sunbathing on the dash is a favorite when supervising humans delivering food to all the stations.

Cows tussle and play fight for fun, or over minor cow issues.

Betty the calico hijacks a basket of laundry to make a soft spot in the sun.

Shady areas started a little icy this morning, lovely mid day, then cold rainy evening.

Somebody always has to play King of the Mountain on top of a hay bale.

Thank you for donations !!!!  There’s a lot of mouths to feed around here.  And just as many other ends to clean up after !!!

Rikki’s Refuge No-Kill Life-Care Multi-Species Animal Sanctuary relies on donations from kind and loving individuals, just like YOU !!!!     www.RikkisRefuge.org/Donate