I like tap dancing on these plates!!
But I’d rather have wet food on them more.
Lots more.
Can you please send me and my friends some more nums?
I love you, Oreo …
specially if you feed me
Just go to our website https://RikkisRefuge.org/donate
or mail a check: Rikki’s Refuge, PO Box 1357, Orange VA 22960
or use the site of your choice
Paypal https://paypal.me/RikkisRefuge
Paypal mail@RikkisRefuge.org
Square https://RR-square.shorturl.com
Venmo Rikki’s Refuge
Zelle mail@RikkisRefuge.org
OR you can order some cat and dog food on line and send us a care package:
Rikki’s Refuge, PO Box 66, 10910 Barr Ln, Rapidan VA 22733