October 16, 2024 Look what our Door Dash Driver Paul brought !!!

Wooooo Hoooooo !!! Look who showed up today !!! Our very own Door Dash Driver Paul !!! Today the haul was apples, apples, and more apples. Mmmm good. We’re helping the grocery world to have less food wastage !!

Lots of apples to go round …….. first stop Piggy Paradise, cus they’re always ready for something else to eat !!!

Door Dash Driver Paul gets to hand feed some of the critters. YOU too could haul and feed !!! Got a truck or trailer of a vehicle large enough to carry pallets of food? Just let us know and join the team!!!

Donkey dropped his apple so Door Dash Driver Paul gets down on hands and knees to help him find it.

Num num num …. everybody but the cats and dogs are loving the apples.

Love, Charlie
your official SpokesKat