Rikki's Refuge
An all-species,
no-kill sanctuary
 About us
 Our animals
 Feral cats and TNR
 A day in the life
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duck confers with pig
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Cleaning tips

We have not tried all these tips and ideas -- they are here only as a reference. Rikki's assumes no responsibility if you choose to use them. Always use common sense when trying out any remedy. Be sure to test a small section and wait at least 24 hours to see what happens before using on a grander scale.

If you try any of the ideas listed here please let us know how they work. If you have your own ideas for cleaning with pets -- or have secrets for getting a property ready to hand back to a landlord -- send them in and we'll post them.


Cleaning pet urine stains and odor

Phone: 540-854-0870 • Email: mail@rikkisrefuge.orgWebsite: www.rikkisrefuge.org • Driving directions