Author Archives: Kerry Hilliard

January 17, 2021 Sunday at Rikki’s Refuge

January 17, 2021 Sunday at Rikki’s Refuge

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

Snow covered morning

Beauty shows up for her morning job

She helps with morning patrols to check on everybody.
Every animal is checked first thing every morning and last thing every night.
Morning and night rounds, to make sure they’re healthy and happy.
Eye contact with everyone, even the feral kitties, or the sheep hanging out in the woods.
It’s a LOT of walking !!! A LOT of counting !!! And can be a LOT of searching !!!

HI Hooman, you can pleaz make snoooo go way ?

Bella and Goliath hunched against the wall to stay on the dry spots.

Randolph doesn’t care, he’s not a sissy, he’ll venture forth and get his feet wet in the melting snow.

Flavored water is always so much better

Despite having fresh water in just scrubbed bowls, the melting snow taste so much better. Just like doggies who prefer puddles to fresh clean water !!!

Speaking of nice fresh clean water ……

Oink Oink !!!

My name is Polly

I’m a hog, I might not be a groundhog, but I’m a hog, and I see my shadow, I declare six more weeks of this glorious wet and muddy winter !!!

Cat-ching some rays !!

Beauty the Beautiful can’t stay white with all the mud around here !!!

Paul brings the donation from Re-Tail out to Rikki’s.

Did YOU know we have a thrift shop to help raise money for Rikki’s?
Yup, Re-Tail at 3502 Lafayette Blvd, Fredericksburg VA, USA
We’re open 9-5 every Wed-Sun and we accept your donations of gently used household items, furniture and clothing from noon – 4 pm Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Come by and check us out !!!
When you’re checking out, telling the Cashiers, “Timmy, Rikki’s Official Spokes Cat Sent me” will get you a 10% discount on your entire purchase from January 20th thru January 24th !!!

Bonnie drives out from Charlottesville to bring donations collected at Pet Supplies Plus.

THANK YOU Bonnie !!!

And pressies delivered by the nice box bringing hoomans today too !!!!

WOW this has been a wonderful day. All the canned food for the cats and dogs were donated and everyone is happy. Tonight we’ll dream of what tomorrow will bring !!!!

We try to never worry about where our next meal comes from cus we know we can rely on YOU !!!!

Thank you for caring about us !!!

Pressie can be delivered to Rikki’s Refuge, 10910 Barr Ln, Rapidan VA 22733 by USPS, UPS, FedEx or YOU, at the end of the road, just before our gate, is a Donation Station! Thank you !!

So thankful for growing grass!!!

FREE nums for so many of our friends !!

There’s that car thief gang, huddled up planning their next move !!

Freckles – the cow with the most magnificent horns

just look at how fuzzy he gets in the winter !!!
Fuzzy and warm !!
Did you know that cows and horses and goats and pigs all get thicker fur and hair in the winter too ???

The sun goes down over a refuge without snow ….

but with puddles and more mud !!!

Everybody Lives HAPPILY EVER AFTER at Rikki’s Refuge.

With YOUR help we provide life long homes to well over 1,000 animals each and every day !!!!
Animals who had nowhere else on earth to go.

Thank YOU for making it all possible.

January 16, 2021 Saturday at Rikki’s Refuge

January 16, 2021 Saturday at Rikki’s Refuge

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

Colleen transported Archie to Rikki’s Refuge yesterday. I’ll have some pictures of him for you soon. He’s doing great. He’s going to be fine !!! Thank you to those who contributed towards his initial check up. He needs a little wound cleaning, ear mite treatment, worming, and a whole lot of food and love. HELP ARCHIE hurry and get out of quarantine !!

So this morning Colleen shared her facebook memory of seven years ago

and said, “Ok….so I have to laugh. This came up in my memories from 7 years ago….today.”

Our beloved Riley!! Gee she’s been here almost 7 years already? Time does fly when we’re having so much fun at Rikki’s Refuge.

Lauren, Rikki’s medical officer replied, “SHE may have been saved, but we were all sentenced to death by Riley!”

You see, Riley is a psycho kitty, as Colleen found out after inviting her into her home !!! Psycho kitties have trouble deciding if they want to rub on you and be petted, or if they want to taste your blood !!! They are very challenging to live with !!! We love them at Rikki’s, but they aren’t for your typical household !!!

The day started out beautifully with bright sun and blue blue skies.

In the afternoon dark clouds covered the Refuge and the air had that oh-no-snow feeling.

The kitties don’t like the snow much, and begged for their dinner early.

The kitties are asking – Who belongs to SAMS CLUB ?
Cus they’ve heard of a really great deal.
Drop off at the collection shed outside out gate or send to
Rikki’s Refuge
10910 Barr Ln
Rapidan VA 22733

The amount of canned food the cats want … well maybe I should say get … is directly related to the temperature in the morning and the evening. In the summer it’s 11 cases for a meal. On really cold days it takes 22 cases … twice a day !!! It’s a lot of cat !!

By 4:30 pm the snow was falling, and falling fast

The pigs hate the snow

And started to head in and take cover

I’ve seen them stay in for days at a time to avoid walking in snow

Soon everyone was snuggled up for the night

and until the snow goes away !!!

All around the Refuge, everyone is taking cover

One lone cat braves the snow for a while

The geese are happy

it’s WET that’s all that matters !!!

One lone emu stayed out when Piggy Paradise & Emu Estates were empty

But soon even Peepers went in

Ending this snowy day with a beautiful Sunset

The cows don’t mind the snow, not until it’s too deep to keep eating grass. Then they kick it away as long as they can. Tonight it won’t get too deep to miss any eating time !!!

Not expected to be bad, but everyone will have to spend the night

keeping an eye on the animals and making sure all is well. Always have to think ahead. Cus what if it kept snowing and it got deep and the roads got slick. I can’t come to work cus of snow is never an excuse to let an animal be hungry or without water or without their meds !!!

Everybody Lives HAPPILY EVER AFTER at Rikki’s Refuge.

With YOUR help we provide life long homes to well over 1,000 animals each and every day !!!!
Animals who had nowhere else on earth to go.

Thank YOU for making it all possible.

January 15, 2021 Friday at Rikki’s Refuge

January 15, 2021 Friday at Rikki’s Refuge

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

Good Morning Hooman

Puffster. A rather fitting name, don’t you think?

Tish learning to get snuggles

Tish has been with us a few months. Terrified, especially of other cats when she came. Now making friends and learning abut snuggles and love from cat and hoomans !!! We love to see them get happy !!!

Isn’t she beautiful ?

The cats are admiring her as she struts past.

Wanna make a bet?
Who’s got a coin to flip?
Upppsss no coins around here at Rikki’s Refuge
all our coins go to buy food for the critters !!!
We just ask Mr Peacock !!!


Isn’t their construction beautifully wonderful and complex?

Pigs are the cutest !!!

I never really knew pigs till they came to live to Rikki’s.

Oh my gosh!!!

They’re just adorable!!

Cuddly, loving, playful, smart !!!
Ohhh to curl up in a pile of straw, surrounded by piggies, is so wonderful !!!

ALWAYS excited at canned food time !!!

Despite having unlimited dry ….. they know when it’s time for canned !!!!

And everybody gets excited !!!

Hey everybody !!! LOOK at this deal our friend Brenda found !!!! Help us wipe amazon out !!!!!
Feed the kitties at Rikki’s Refuge No-Kill Life-Care Multi-Species Sanctuary.
With almost 600 cats, we need 11 and a half CASES for one small meal for everyone !!!
In the winter we need that twice a day.
Please help us !!!

If YOU have prime, it’s free shipping, and that makes it a wonderful deal.
BUT WAIT …. do THIS before you ever shop AMAZON again !!!
Sign up for Amazon Smile and choose LIFE UNLIMITED OF VIRGINIA INC (that’s us!) as your charity of choice. For every purchase you make afterwards, a donation will be sent to Rikki’s (at NO cost to you!). Just another easy way to help the animals of Rikki’s Refuge!
Just click:

Do YOU know what helps us the most? If you sign up for an automatic shipment of cat food from Chewy or Amazon !! Just pick the day of the month or week you’d like to feed some kitties, and send a case or two !!!
Thank YOU !!!

Send to
Kitties of
Rikki’s Refuge
10910 Barr Ln
Rapidan VA 22733

A foreign visitor stops in

Goose Goose …. CAT ?


Everybody Lives HAPPILY EVER AFTER at Rikki’s Refuge.
With YOUR help we provide life long homes to well over 1,000 animals each and every day !!!!
Animals who had nowhere else on earth to go.

Thank YOU for making it all possible.

January 14, 2021 Thursday at Rikki’s Refuge

January 14, 2021 Thursday at Rikki’s Refuge

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

Full Bellies and Blue Skies

Good Morning, welcome to Feline Fields today !!

Splish Splash I Was Takin A Bath …

It must be National Dump Your Food To Eat It Day !

ever have one of those days at YOUR house?

Wanda’s having a picnic

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe

Hey Hooman! We got any silverware around this place ?

Sun is starting to set over cows as Clarence finishes up there

Tina says what more could you possibly want in a job

than to be able to watch the sun come up and
the sun go down and the moon and come out !!!

Everybody Lives HAPPILY EVER AFTER at Rikki’s Refuge.

With YOUR help we provide life long homes to well over 1,000 animals each and every day !!!!
Animals who had nowhere else on earth to go.

Thank YOU for making it all possible.

January 13, 2021 Wednesday at Rikki’s Refuge

January 13, 2021 Wednesday at Rikki’s Refuge

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

From sunrise

to sunset

it was a beautiful day.

Warming up on the hood of Doug’s car

before the sun had warmed up the day.

Wanda is so happy to see Doug this morning

Howler lives up to his name

as he follows Doug around while they check up on all the animals.

A morning medley of animals

Something isn’t right here ….

Lucky the black cow

Do you see his best friend, Eddie the miniature horse behind him?

Riley loves living on the edge !!

Ben reaches out to grab his nums

Crybaby gives it a roll

Everybody Lives HAPPILY EVER AFTER at Rikki’s Refuge.

With YOUR help we provide life long homes to well over 1,000 animals each and every day !!!!
Animals who had nowhere else on earth to go.

Thank YOU for making it all possible.

January 12, 2021 Tuesday at Rikki’s Refuge

January 12, 2021 Tuesday at Rikki’s Refuge

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

OH !!! Hi there …. Good Morning

Ummm Excuse me

Could YOU open that door please?
The wall of all rooms that face the hallway in the 9th Life Center were replaced with fencing so everybody can keep an eye on what’s going all over the place all the time.

We just want to come out and meet the new residents …..

they look VERY interesting !!!!!

Look who just arrived !!!

Do you know what kind of birds these are?

They’re baby quail.

They’re raised for both “game” and food.

These babies were advertised on craigs list to be bough, kept a month or two, killed and eaten.

One of our supporters saw this ad and rushed out to buy them and save their lives.

Then started wondering how they were going to care for them properly in their home. Soon they ended up at Rikki’s where, when they get a little bigger, they’ll be able to live happily in one of our aviaries.

Did I have any idea some of the species that would need to call Rikki’s Refuge home when I started the sanctuary? NO WAY !!!! But I love everybody and they’re welcome to live in peace with us, away from the worry that they’ll be eaten. And no, they won’t get to meet the cats up close !

Running the gauntlet when the dinner bell rings ….

STOP!! HONK !!! STOP !!!


the quantity of food coming out must be examined for accuracy …. and taste !!!

Wanda says, THANK YOU

For the pressies !!!

Just look at all that dog food.
The dogs are always in need of your help. So many more people send cat food and make cat specific donations. Us doggies like to eat too !!! Forget them flea drops. We hate those. You can give those to the cats. But please think about us more often!

Good camouflage ….

the emus blend very well into their habitat

Afternoon nap time

Somebody’s about to get jumped !

Everybody’s HAPPY at Rikki’s Refuge.

With YOUR help we provide life long homes to well over 1,000 animals each and every day !!!!
Animals who had nowhere else on earth to go.

Thank YOU for making it all possible.

January 11, 2021 Monday at Rikki’s Refuge

January 11, 2021 Monday at Rikki’s Refuge

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

Hi!! Am I cute?

Breakfast time

and somebody is missing …..

Miss Piggy !!!!!!

Are you out AGAIN?

Get back in here !!!

An after breakfast roll in the mud

Emily Emu takes a break in the shade

Ducks take a swim

Titan gets ready to take a “sip”

a cow sip is gallons !!!!

Oh no the Car Theft Gang is at it again !!!

Pretty Tabby, Flipper and Batman sit around looking all innocent till you’re not looking, then quickly hotwire the car and take off ….

Oh LOOK pressies !!!!

It makes our day when the mail hooman brings us nums !!!!

YOU can send food to the cats, or anybody else, at
Rikki’s Refuge
10910 Barr Ln
Rapidan VA 22733

They’ll bring it right to our gate !!!!!

Right now the best price we can find is Chewy’s 9-Lives. Last time I checked Amazon was out.

BUT WAIT …. do THIS before you ever shop AMAZON again !!!
Sign up for Amazon Smile and choose LIFE UNLIMITED OF VIRGINIA INC (that’s us!) as your charity of choice. For every purchase you make afterwards, a donation will be sent to Rikki’s (at NO cost to you!). Just another easy way to help the animals of Rikki’s Refuge!
Just click:

Do YOU know what helps us the most? If you sign up for an automatic shipment of cat food from Chewy or Amazon !! Just pick the day of the month or week you’d like to feed some kitties, and send a case or two !!!
Thank YOU !!!

All day long, everybody is strolling all around

Who’s in there?

Awww guys, don’t be scared

the hoomans don’t hurt us here, they FEED us !!!
The ferals get a lot of reassurance from seeing other kitties interact safely with the hoomans. Getting used to seeing that, takes a while.

Yeah, the hoomans here are pretty cool !!!

Most ferals will eventually loose the worst of the fear and start to hang around the legs that feed them.

Hanging out in a safe outdoor play area

Or on perches inside

By for now !!!

With YOUR help we provide life long homes to well over 1,000 animals each and every day !!!!
Animals who had nowhere else on earth to go.

Thank YOU for making it all possible.

January 10, 2021 Sunday at Rikki’s Refuge

January 10, 2021 Sunday at Rikki’s Refuge

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

Houseplant Appreciation Day? What can you do with that at an animal sanctuary? Can you imagine nearly 600 cats AND houseplants? I suggested our wonderful photographers kept their eyes open for any plants.

Then Tony said, “LOOK what I found !!!” It’s Theresa’s mural at the Life Center. When finished it will be our Tree of Life with memorial pictures of past residents of Rikki’s Refuge !!!

Panda loves being snuggled

The ferals love their hammocks

The pigs love napping in the sun

The cows love each other

Who can resist just hanging out and resting in the sun?

Eddie gets up to come get a pat and treat

Goose and Peacock are taking a stroll

There’s always time for a laugh


Friends love hanging around together … no matter the species

Everybody is having a lazy sunny day …. except the hoomans … but they love working on nice sunny dry days too !!

And everyone lives HAPPILY EVER AFTER at Rikki’s Refuge.

With YOUR help we provide life long homes to well over 1,000 animals each and every day !!!!
Animals who had nowhere else on earth to go.

Thank YOU for making it all possible.



January 9, 2021 Saturday at Rikki’s Refuge

January 9, 2021 Saturday at Rikki’s Refuge, Save the Eagles Day

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

Good Morning Sunshine !!!!

It’s Save the Eagles Day. We occasionally see an eagle flying overhead, or sitting in a tree down by the creek. But no eagles today.
Mr. Peacock says he’ll fill in as the honorary bird of the day !!

And we have guineas

and ducks !!!!

Meet Archie

How does his picture make YOU feel? When I saw him a few a days ago my heart totally went out to him. He’s terrified. He was a stray. He was trapped. He’s terrified. He’s sick. He’s injured. He has not home. It’s believed he’s 9 years old. Nobody wants him.

I took one look at his eyes and said, “Oh Archie, come to Rikki’s and let us make you happy and teach you to love again.”

Archie will be joining us on Friday. I can’t wait to meet him.

It’s animals like Archie that made me start Rikki’s Refuge. All the animals that so desperately need somebody to love them. But that nobody wants. They think they’re icky to look at, they’re hurt, they’re dirty, they’re scared. The ones that are passed by in shelters, passed by on the streets. The ones left to die cuz nobody cares.

They’re the ones I want to always be there for. They’re the ones I created Rikki’s Refuge for. It doesn’t matter the species. It’s their souls that matter, their eyes. How can you look into those eyes and turn away?

Archie will need quite a bit of medical care when he gets here. Thank God our vets love these poor souls as much as we do and go way above and beyond to heal them.

YOU can HELP ARCHIE out too.

I have been so thankful to YOU every day for the last 8,187 days that YOU have made my dream of Rikki’s Refuge a reality thru YOUR kindness, YOUR help, YOUR donations, YOUR support. We may not know each other, but YOU are so very important and special to me. Thank YOU.

Uh Oh

See the light that’s out? Have you ever been in our thrift shop? It’s called Re-Tail. It’s huge, 8,800 square feet of bargains just for you !! And look up up up at those ceilings …… it’s over 22 feet to that burned out light bulb !!!! Luckily I have a very daring brother who can climb like a monkey !!! He’ll load up the scaffolding and the extension ladders and drive the truck into town and build the scaffolding under the light, and then the ladder on top of that and up, up, up he’ll go, and put in a new bulb to make the store light and bright!!!

Stop in and visit sometime !!! 9 am – 5 pm Wednesday – Sunday
Re-Tail is at 3503 Lafayette Blvd in Fredericksburg
check us out

We count on YOUR donations to survive and to make money that we turn into food for the animals !!!
Donation Drop off is Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday from noon to 4 pm
We appreciate your gifts of gently used clothing and household items of all sorts !!!!


THIS is what we’ve been waiting for !!!!

Panda takes a rest from scrubbing water bowls


No matter how big or how small …. we all Live HAPPILY EVER AFTER at Rikki’s Refuge.

With YOUR help we provide life long homes to well over 1,000 animals each and every day !!!!
Animals who had nowhere else on earth to go.

Thank YOU for making it all possible.

January 8, 2021 Friday at Rikki’s Refuge

January 8, 2021 Friday at Rikki’s Refuge

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at )

Good Morning from Grizzly !!!!

if you wake me up …. I deserve a treat !!!

Picnic anyone ?

I hear somebody on the other side of my wall

The chicken ate it all, can we have more ?

Why are there chickens in Cat Houses?
Well, did you know that our birds are the only animals at Rikki’s Refuge that we can’t neuter? That’s right, it’s all cus of their anatomy. The testes are internal, sitting atop the kidneys, connected to a large flow of blood. Anesthesia is difficult and dangerous in birds and after they’re only a few months old, the risk of bleeding to death is quite high. So simply, it’s too dangerous.

We can control population growth thru egg management, letting the dogs or wildlife eat them.

But Roosters get mighty aggressive unless they have a colony of ladies all to themselves. They will fight to the death. They will attach humans too. And OUCH that hurts!!!! A rooster can sneak up behind you and charge, fly up and kick, and leave huge bruises on your behind !!!! And NO, I’m NOT sharing THOSE photos !!!

We found they’ll get along fine with cats. No idea why, but they won’t attack the cats and the cats don’t bother them. They live side by side happily. And they eat out of the same bowl. The roosters also get corn and scratch (chicken food), but as gross as it seems, they love cat food. They do eat a lot of bugs after all.


don’t forget us doggies !! Yes, Rikki’s Refuge has doggies too. You see lots more cat pictures cus there are far more than 10 times the number of cats.


Well cats are smaller, eat less, need smaller doses of meds, require less space per animals. Cats have better social skills and can live in houses of 30 or 40 and get along fine. If they do argue, it’s a minor scratch or worst case an abscess from a bite and easy to fix. Too many dogs, or certain dominant dogs, and they can very seriously injure or kill each other. Many dogs consider our geese and chickens and even the cats as prey, so they can’t run free.

And interestingly, there is more funding for cats than for dogs. Some people designate what their donations are to be used for, others send species specific food.

Diesel here says if you’d like to help the dawggies, just say so on your donation !!

Oink Oink

Piggies LOVE the mud

Piggy Paradise was once grass covered, had trees and was very green. That didn’t last long at all. Piggies root. That means putting their nose to the ground and digging for truffles and any goodies they can find. It’s an irresistible urge. If you don’t want your back yard to look like this …. a piggy isn’t the right pet for you !!!!

And it’s the reason we have so many. So many people don’t think ahead and learn about the animal they want to adopt. Ohhh a cute little baby 10 pound piggy sounds like so much fun!!!! Ohh they say they’re like dogs !!! Than people find out how fast and bit they grow. Even miniature pigs reach 100 pounds fast, and in a few years many will be 300-400 pounds. Farm pigs will grow to 900 or 1,200 pounds. And they can’t stop rooting. Asking them to, or punishing them for it, or putting rings in their noses so it hurts to root, is cruel. Nature makes them need to root.

And rolling in the mud is when they’re the happiest. Even cold mud !!! They love the feel of it coating their skin. Hey, you even hear of people putting mud masks on their faces, don’t you? It softens the skin, quells any itches, keeps bugs off, and prevents sunburn. Pigs need mud.

Clarence says, “Nothing stops us from caring for our animal friends, not rain, nor sleet, nor snow, nor mud,”

as he wades out into a huge mud hole they’ve dug up and shoved one of their houses into. WHY? Cus they wanted to sleep neck deep in the mud. But it’s going to get COLD tonight and though we’ve never seen a piggy stuck in frozen mud in the morning ….. the thought just sends shivers thru us.

Clarence has moved the house these two claimed to dry land, filled it with straw to burrow down in, and now they’re happy to settle down for the night.

Most of the piggies will go in the barn and into the nice dry straw and pile up together for the night.

With all the rainy weather we’ve been having, all the hoofed animals create mud in the areas they like to trample. It’s just that soft wet ground and those big heavy hooves.

The ducks and geese love the shift thru the mud too. They shove their beaks in and sift thru it looking for only God knows what to eat. And it’s not from any shortage of ducky food about !!! It’s the delicacy !!

Poor turkey

she’s been spending her days inside the hospital with a foot infection called bumble foot. It’s such a lovely day our and she’s so restless, she’s out for a stroll before it’s time to clean and medicate her foot again. We’ve had chickens and ducks and geese with bumble foot, this is the first time we’ve had it in a turkey. A little harder to get cooperation from. And much harder to make her soak it than with geese of ducks who are thrilled to swim around in a bathtub of warm water for hours !!!

Let the Sun Shine In !!!

Every one is enjoying the sun !!!! After lots of cloudy days …. ohhhh it feels so good !!!!

Wild animals share the Refuge with us.

Many more birds come in the winter when it gets hard to find food.

Some are passing thru, like many of the geese flocks that stop to refuel and rest, others will stay close by for the winter.

In the evening and mornings we’ll see deer in with the goats or cows dining on some hay.

The skunks and opossums and raccoons and occasional bobcat and bear pass thru at night, the squirrels and chipmunks and wild birds are about in the daytime.

How many cardinals can you count ?

Everybody Lives HAPPILY EVER AFTER at Rikki’s Refuge.

With YOUR help we provide life long homes to well over 1,000 animals each and every day !!!!
Animals who had nowhere else on earth to go.

Thank YOU for making it all possible.