January 19, 2021 Tuesday at Rikki’s Refuge

January 19, 2021 Tuesday at Rikki’s Refuge

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at www.RikkisRefuge.org/Donate )

Panda helps to get breakfast ready out of the pantry

Sullivan Helps With Breakfast

Bahhh Bahhh Bahhh

here come hay
No, Sillies, that’s STRAW, not hay !!!

Straw is to Sleep on. Hay is for Hunger! That’s how you remember when you’re a city girl just learning about these things. Gee how long did it take me to be able to look at that dried up grass stuff and know the difference in straw and hay? But when you get it wrong you’re in trouble. There’s almost no nutrition in straw. And hay can get moldy when wet with a mold that causes awful respiratory problems for dogs and cats. So you have to learn !!!

THAT is how much straw it takes to change out everybody’s bedding ONCE !!! We need that much once a week if it’s dry. When it’s real wet, lots more times !!! That’s $157.50 every time we change the straw out to give the critters nice warm beds !!! Want to help?

www.RikkisRefuge.org/Donate )

or call the Co-Op at 540-672-2977 and buy a bale.

Panda shares Clarence’s lunch

Being National Popcorn Day, he let the animals have most of his Cracker Jack.

Tony gives Lucky his popcorn for National Popcorn Day

We try to make every day special for everybody !!

Waldo reaching in for his cracker jacks.jpg

No interest in popcorn here

They’ll take canned food, thank you !

These are the hoodlums

who caused so much trouble after dark last night.

Look all innocent now, don’t they?

But deep in the dark of the night Clarence and Tony discovered those naughty goats were out of their pen.

These pictures are from the next morning cus it was too dark and they were too busy to get them at the time.

First they had to fix the fence in the dark before they could rest for the night.

Then they had to run thru the briars. Ouch.

As Clarence tells it: We got 4 of the 5 goats in real easily. The 5th one ran around all over the place. Finally we got him back in the fence after running threw the briars that are head high 3-4 times. Our clothing looks like porcupine skin with all the briars stuck in them. I’d say I’ve got 500 or more stuck in my jogging pants.
OUCH it was an uncomfortable ride home for clean clothes !!!

But those little hoodlums haven’t gotten out again

yet !!

All the animals are HAPPY at Rikki’s Refuge tonight

With YOUR help we provide life long homes to well over 1,000 animals each and every day !!!!
Animals who had nowhere else on earth to go

Thank YOU for making it all possible.