December 13, 2023 – Rikki’s Thirteenth Day of Christmas

On the Thirteenth Day of Christmas,
look what came to Rikki’s,

thirteen humans helping, ……

Hoomans come in several breeds around here.

Some have dedicated their lives to the animals and are at Rikki’s Refuge 7 days a week

Some volunteer to fix broken fences, to paint, and to build things at Rikki’s Refuge.

Some volunteer to help with the daily chores, feeding, and endless poop clean up, scrubbing water bowls food platters and litterboxes.

Some come out for a visit.

We’ll be open from noon till 2 pm on Christmas Day if you’d like to come out for a visit, bring donations, and feed the animals (produce only, or commercial treats for that species. No cookies, candy, breads, etc. Our animals are on strict diets.)

Some go to events and festivals, set up a table, and give out literature about Rikki’s Refuge.

Some work on social media and other office chores. I desperately need a web master. The cats just don’t really help!

Who can help fix up our current wordpress web site, or create something better? PLEASE HELP ME !! Can you help post to twitter, instagram and facebook? Can you set up tictok and other social media accounts for us? We’re all old folks here and need some youngsters who are social media savvy! Send me an email if you can help

Some hoomans bring us donations, a case of cat food, or a full truck of feed! Some drive to pick up donations. Pumpkins in the fall. Produce from stores and warehouses. Long trips to Purina when they donate food. Can YOU drive? Are you willing to help fetch donations for the animals?

Some hoomans donate the money that keeps things running. Food, cleaning supplies, bedding, electricity, propane for heat, gas and diesel to keep the vehicles and tractors running, medical bills, flea and tick prevention. We can care for an animal for an average of only $1 a day. Food, housing, love. With 1,287 animals, even that bill adds up. When you donate $1 it helps one animal today. When you can be a $30 a month recurring donor, you support one animal for a year. Of course we love great big huge donations. One thousand people donating only $1 adds up to $1,000 !! So every penny counts !! Make your donations really count by supporting the animals of Rikki’s Refuge.

Some hoomans like to volunteer at our thrift store. Re-Tail, 3503 Lafayette Blvd, Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA. Stop in for fabulous bargains. We have new items out every day. Clothing is only $1 an item!! YES winter jackets too!! And on THURSDAY DECEMBER 14th, tomorrow, everything in the store is 30% off!! Want to volunteer? Just speak to Kim or Kyle at the counter and they’ll get you signed up.

HOW do YOU want to help out? Let us know:

If you can’t spare the time, a small donation will do !
or by mailing a check
Rikki’s Refuge, PO Box 1357, Orange VA 22960
or the site of your choice
Venmo Rikki’s Refuge

