Good Morning Good News – April 15, 2023 Saturday at Rikki’s Refuge

(you can help support those animals at

A lovely 62 degrees out this morning as I start my day.

The first animals I visit have already started breakfast.

But they’re getting excited about the special nums I’ll be bringing them soon.

Moon is only about 1/8 out this morning, so not much light to work by. Sure glad I have my headlamp !!! I usually start and end my days by the light of my headlamp.

But the Sun will be up soon and it looks like a beautiful day ahead !

The early bird gets the worm …… except around here …. at Rikki’s Refuge the early bird gets the litterboxes ….. yippie !!! But the cats do so appreciate a clean up !!

Bella says GOOD MORNING !!!!! And look at that beautiful sunrise !!! One of the joys of early morning on the job is getting to watch the sunrise every day !!!!

On warm and hot days, even if the waters have stayed cleaned from the morning change out, we dump and refill in the middle of the day so all the animals have nice cold water all day long. If we deserve cool water – so do they !!

Joey and Milo are playing some kind of blinking game with each other. I’m not sure who wound up winning. These two are always up to something together.

Clarence just finished the first mowing of the year. Everything is so green this time of year, and starting to grow like crazy. Hey !!! Got a mower? Weed whacker? Think about VOLUNTEERING and coming out to HELP up !!

Dark clouds are starting to come in ….. I think it might rain this evening.

So there’s 2 sides to every coin, as you know. But did YOU know there are two sides to some of our pigs !!! Mud is the pigs’ best friend !!

It’s getting ready to storm tonight. Thunder is in the distance. Gotta rush to get everything done before it starts pouring.

Everyone lives happily ever after at Rikki’s Refuge !!
With YOUR help we can provide life long homes to well over 1,000 animals each & every day !!!!
Rikki’s Refuge, 10910 Barr Ln, Rapidan VA 22733 (shipping address for food, etc)
Rikki’s Refuge, PO Box 1357, Orange VA 22960 (secure box for checks, etc)

YOU are our family !!! Your kind and generous donations make it all possible !!
Thank you for tuning in this morning,

Doug Deal
Rikki’s Refuge Sanctuary Manager