February 21, 2021 Sunday at Rikki’s Refuge

February 21, 2021 Sunday at Rikki’s Refuge

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at www.RikkisRefuge.org/Donate)

A bright beautiful dry day !!!

Everybody is getting fresh new dry straw. The nice thing about straw, and what makes it so much better than blankets or towels or other bedding, is that it dries quickly, so moisture from the air or from bodies doesn’t keep the bedding damp and dank, but allows it to dry out nicely. So why change it out after really wet days? Well the critters have brought in a lot of moisture on their bodies from going in and out in the rain and sleet yesterday so it’s gotten pretty wet. And some don’t like to go out into the wet to ….. well ….. wet. So the straw gets yucky. And who wants to sleep in that. And they’ve drug a lot of mud into bed with them. So time for all fresh bedding !!!

They’re so excited they jump in and help spread the new fresh smelling straw all about !!

Oh yeah !!!!! Just right !!!!

Mmmmmm that smells good !!!

THANK YOU, hooman !!!!!

Nap time in the fresh new straw with the sun streaming in !!!

What more could anyone want ?

Everybody is out strutting about in the sunshine

The nicer weather makes everything so much easier. Each bag of sweet feed weighs 50 pounds and all this must be distributed around to the big animals. Being able to drive with out slipping and sliding on the ice and snow and mud makes all the difference in the world to the aches in shoulders and back from carrying such heavy loads across fields and up and down hills.


It will take more than one nice day to dry up the mud. And the pigs are hoping we never get that. As much as they love sleeping in the sun, they just love rolling in the mud !!

The ducks and geese feel it’s drying up all too fast and are praying for some more rain or sleet or anything WET !!

Freckles spends the afternoon in sun cat watching !

Interesting choice of nap spots !!!

The geese have traveled far and wide today. They know it’s time to come home as the sun heads for the horizon. Safer to be sleeping near Beauty and Wanda and Buzz and Arlo for protection. Foxey woxey don’t want to mess with the guard dogs !!!

YOUR support gives these animals a forever home !

We cannot do it without YOU !

Rikki’s Refuge, 10910 Barr Ln, Rapidan VA 22733 (shipping address for food, etc)
Rikki’s Refuge, PO Box 1357, Orange VA 22960 (secure box for checks, etc)

Thank YOU !