February 22, 2021 Monday at Rikki’s Refuge

February 22, 2021 Monday at Rikki’s Refuge

all in a day’s work …. photos by those caring for the animals
(you can help support those animals at www.RikkisRefuge.org/Donate)

Started another day with sleet and freezing rain. I am thankful we get nice sunny days in between the bouts of this horrible wintry ick !!

Everything is flooding and miserable. When we tell you to wear good waterproof boots to work at Rikki’s Refuge, we’re NOT kidding !!

Ice is clinging on to everything

By 10 am everything is iced over

Wanda and Arlow are soaked from doing their rounds with the hoomans, and they’re miserable. They’ll get extra treats. Unlike the hoomans, who won’t have time to even grab lunch today with all the extra work and how much longer everything takes in the ice.

The ducks are ecstatic to be flooding again

The geese are thrilled with the weather

The cats are thoroughly disgusted. Few plan on venturing out today.

Emus absolutely hate to have anything over their head. They won’t go under cover unless they are really miserable.

And they keep going out to check and see if it’s over yet.

WHEN will this end ??

The sheep are so dirty in all this mud.

If it’s warm and dry tomorrow, I’ll have to get some woolite and get to work.

Just kidding !!! They’ll simply get clean the next, not too cold, rain we have. I once said something silly about needing woolite, and a bunch of folks sent it to me !!!

I really just need canned cat and dog good, cat dry food, sweet feed, senior horse chow and cracked corn. And the whole array of cleaning supplies so we can sanitize everybody’s living quarters every day !!

I so much appreciate it when you send goodies to help us out !!! We really rely on YOU !!!!
Rikki’s Refuge, 10910 Barr Ln, Rapidan VA 22733 (shipping address for food, etc)
Rikki’s Refuge, PO Box 1357, Orange VA 22960 (secure box for checks, etc)

Come by on Saturday from noon – 3 pm and bring some goodies to Donation Drop Off and get to


Aren’t we DONE yet?

Panda decided to be a house all day !!!

Puffster was loyal and did the rounds checking on all the residents.

Finally !!! Near the end of daylight hours, the sleet and rain stop coming down.

YES! We ARE ready for dinner !

Crybaby gives Marty his evening bath

Good night moo cows … happy munching … I’m glad it’s stopped sleeting.

YOUR support gives these animals a forever home !

We cannot do it without YOU !

Rikki’s Refuge, 10910 Barr Ln, Rapidan VA 22733 (shipping address for food, etc)
Rikki’s Refuge, PO Box 1357, Orange VA 22960 (secure box for checks, etc)

Thank YOU !