Rikki's Refuge
An all-species,
no-kill sanctuary
 About us
 Our animals
 Feral cats and TNR
 A day in the life
 Library & resources
 Pet-friendly housing
 Fun stuff
duck confers with pig
 Photo albums

Building projects


Easy cat hammock a la Martha Stewart -- several of the cats have asked for these in their barn homes.

A do-it-yourself cat perch that anybody can make


Build a super-dooper dog house
-- we would love a few at the farm.

Do-it-yourself dog ramp -- a couple of these would be great for the sanctuary.


Knock down PVC cage for iguanas
-- a few of these would be useful around here.




Phone: 540-854-0870 • Email: mail@rikkisrefuge.orgWebsite: www.rikkisrefuge.org • Driving directions