Vincent is one of the happiest little boys you'll ever meet. Many years ago a serious accident claimed one leg, severely injured a second, claimed a portion of his tail, left him incontinent and seriously handicapped for life. He could've chosen to spend the rest of his life down in the dumps, bemoaning his losses. But instead, he chose to lead a life of service, helping others.
Duke Thomas Peabody appeared out of nowhere. He was wearing a collar and a leash and bumbling about aimlessly. Nobody stepped forward and claimed to be his friend. He was born with undeveloped eyes making him virtually blind. As the majority of the world is sighted, it was decided that one who was not had no value to society, and did not deserve even the chance of finding a home and someone to love him. Thankfully, someone intervened, and he came to Rikki's Refuge. Loving, trusting, the sweetest, most gentle personality you will ever meet, Duke has joined our program to help others appreciate the handicapped.
Once upon a time a poor little, underfed, baby piglet joined Rikki's Refuge. Big Rob was one of those special humans who loved to help out at Rikki's Refuge. This little baby piglet took a special liking to Big Rob, and before you knew it they were sharing pizzas. They only shared a few months together at Rikki's Refuge, when Big Rob, much too soon, crossed the Rainbow Bridge. The poor little baby piglet soon was christened, "Little Rob", in honor of his two legged friend. Little Rob's goal in life is to prove that nothing in a grocery store is inedible and one can never be too large.
Nanny Goat has spent many long years at Rikki's Refuge. She says they feel even longer, since she is fed a diet woefully short on Oreos. She continues to insist that Oreo cookies are the best diet for goats. Poor Nanny Goat is forced to eat unappetizing things like hay, nutritionally complete goat pellets (without chocolate), fresh fruits (no, chocolate covered cherries are not in the fruit category) and vegetables, whole wheat bread, and occasionally a few cookies as a snack.
So many of her cousins, nieces, nephews, aunts and uncles and even her mom met their fate at a Thanksgiving or Christmas feast that she turns in horror and runs at the thought of the holidays. Even though she's been safe here at Rikki's since she was ten days old, she still can't trust human kind around the holidays. She wants to remind you that Tofurkey is an excellent choice during the holidays. And that like you, her kind only want peace, love and the ability to live out their natural lives with their friends. |
Happy Tails
Vet Debt
Paws for Prayers