Cats, cats and more cats!
Click on the thumbnail image below to see a larger image.
All our images are © Rikki's Refuge.


I had my eye removed |
Play table becomes cat bench |
Kid condo becomes cat fort |
Another view of kid condo |
Cats line up in sun |
Inside a cat house |
Always food available |
Who did you say you were? |
Tree limbs become stairways |
Outdoor area |
Outdoor area |
Cat condos |
Photo opportunities: If you would like to use our image(s) or if you would like to shoot photos of our animals for your own animal-friendly, non-violent projects let us know. If it does not exploit our animals and gets us a donation we will consider it. Send inquiries to
Photographers wanted: We need volunteers to snap shots of our animals for a variety of projects -- including the website. We'll credit you with the photos that we use, but Rikki's will retain all rights to the image. It's a good way to build a photographic resume -- and get some use out of that digital camera that you just had to have but never use.